Who's baby?!

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Mads POV
It sucks to see that Jaden hates me. It hurts so much because Jaden was my everything, still is my everything. He doesn't even know the baby is his. It hurts to know that he will leave me forever.

M- Ummm hey-y j-j- Jaden?
J- what do you want Mads? I don't wanna talk to you.
M- you will when you find out who the baby's dad is.
J- wait? What did you say??
M- you wanna know who the baby's dad is?
J- no. It's none of my business.
M- Jaden it is your business because it's your baby. Jaden I'm pregnant with your baby.
J- you have to be kidding me right??
M- Jaden the last time we had sex was about 4 months ago after you broke up with me.

Jaden was in complete shock. He could not believe what he was hearing. Mads was going to have his baby?! I can't have a baby it will ruin me, but if I tell her I don't want this baby it will ruin her.

J- Mads, I have always loved you, and you know that.

M- Jaden I understand if you don't want to be with me. I get it. It will ruin your goddamn reputation.

Mads ends up walking away crying because she could not understand why he wouldn't want to be there for her or his baby. She just ends up going upstairs and crying herself to sleep.

A couple of hours later Jaden gets his head out of his ass and goes upstairs to talk to her, but notices she's asleep. He just goes and lays down next to her. He doesn't want to ruin what they have so he just lays there. Mads turns around and snuggles into him. Jaden starts to silently cry because he realizes his decision could hurt her.

The next morning comes faster than Jaden thought. Mads was up before Jaden was making breakfast for everyone downstairs.

J- hey Mads? 
M- yes Jaden?
J- can we talk? I know your busy rn, but we need to talk.
M- Jaden... I understand you want to talk but I have more important things to do. I have to find stuff for the baby.
J- that's what I wanted to ask.
M- Jaden we can talk later.

So a couple hours later Jaden comes back to talk to Mads. He goes up to her room to see if she's up there. He knocks on the door lightly enough.

J- Mads are you in here?
M- Jaden please go away. I need some space.
H- can we talk real quick?
M- fine, you have 5 minutes.
J- I can do that.
Listen Mads, I understand your mad at me right now, and life is really complicated with you finding out your having my baby. That has to be stressful. You just have to trust me that I'm going to do the right thing for you and this baby. I don't know how you still feel about me, but all I know is that I still love you. I miss you so much that when I come around here, I go straight to the bathroom and cry. I miss you that much. Is there anyway you could forgive me?
M- Jaden.. I love you so much, I hope you know that. But I'm not feeling the best all the time. When I see you my heart skips a beat.When I lost you, I couldn't cope with myself. You were one of the best things that has every happened to me. I really hope we can move past this and be a family together.

J- that leads me to my next question, Madison rose Lewis, will you do the honor and take my last name?

M- what? You want me to marry you?
J- I'm sor-
M- yes Jaden ofc I will marry you!!

She jumps into his arms and gives him a kiss.

Mads Instagram

Mads Instagram

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Liked by jadenhossler, luvanthony, nessabarett and 1.7 million more
mads.yo- I can finally say, I married my best friend.  And surprise!! Little one due 2022!! 💕💕💕
Tagged: jadenhossler

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Jaden's Instagram

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Liked by: mads.yo, joshrichards, qgriggs and 4.6 million more

jadenhossler- yooo I did it.. I get to marry my best friend.

Tagged-mads. yo

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Jaden's POV
So umm I did it. I get to marry my best friend. This is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I never could express how much I love someone, more than her. I just hope I can show her how much she really means to me.

J- babe? Where are you??

M- up here my love!!
So I quickly run up the stairs to meet my beautiful fiancé. She looks so pretty.

M- you need me love?
H- noo I just wanted to see you. You look so pretty. I can't believe we are going to get married.  You are the best thing that has happened to me, besides little one.

I bend down to kiss her stomach. I can't wait to meet little one.

J- wanna go eat?
M- not right now babe, I'm not feeling good.
J- okay, you stay right there. I'll be right back.
M- baby, please don't leave me.
J- Im not love. I'll be back soon.

The next couple hours goes by and Jaden is still not back yet. I'm going to give him a call.

On the phone with Jaden.
Please pick up love...
Jaden? Where are you?
Lock the doors, stay inside. Go into your room lock the door and run into the bathroom. Don't come out. It's not safe.
Baby? What is happening?
Trust me. Stay inside. I'll be home as soon as possible.
Babe, tell me what is going on.
He says only one word.


Hey loves!! I know it's been a hot minute but I really want to thank you all for reading my story and all t e time and effort I have put into this, I have been dealing with a lot right now but I hope you all enjoy this story!! I'll try to post tomorrow!! Love you lovelies!! 💕💕💕💕🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

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