The break up?

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Mads POV

J- babe can you go wait in the car while I deal with her?

M- please hurry. 

So I go wait in the car while Jaden is talking with her, next thing I see is them kissing. Right in front of me. That's fucked up. I jumped into the drivers seat and drove off. I didn't want to see Jaden anymore I knew that photo was taken on my birthday. I saw someone I didn't recognize and then that photo is posted a couple days after my party. I knew it all along. Jaden cheated on me at my own birthday party.

I ended up getting home and running and locking my bedroom door. I didn't want to see Jaden. I locked my self in there for a couple hours then I heard the front door open. It sounded like Jaden. 

J- mads? Please open the door. I know your in here. He said in a soft tone

M- no Jaden go away. I don't ever want to see you again!

J- please let me in. We really need to talk.

I run and open the door

M- talk about what Jaden?! That you fucking  cheated on me at my own god damn birthday! Jaden that is so fucked up! And then we go hang  out today and your ex comes up to you and then y'all kiss! What the fuck is that?! Jaden I really cared about you I really did. Our one year is in 2 days and you ducking cheat on me with your own fucking ex right in front of me. Jaden, I don't know what really happened or i saw really did happen. Tell me now.

J- okay, I didn't kiss her. She came onto me. We were talking about something for our one year, because I asked her to do something for me. She thought after I helped her she though I would want to be with her again. I told her I have my girlfriend in the care I really love and deeply care about. I would never cheat on you. Like I said about the Instagram picture. That was old. I was with you the whole time at your birthday party. I love you more then this world. I promise. Where did the trust go? Was it because she came onto me? 

M- Jaden yes. From where I was sitting, it looked like you kissed her back. It looked like you really liked it. I guess I don't know. I just don't know what to do. Jae I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you so I freak out about the smallest stuff. I never told you that because I didn't want to freak you out and tell you that I have so much depression and anxiety in relationships. I love you too much to let you go.  But I don't know how you feel.

J- babe, I understand why you think that I'm going to cheat on you. You have that worry about everything. And I had that same problem. But you wanna know what I did to change that. I trusted the person I loved the most, and that was you. I never thought one day wow, this girl is really mine. I'm gonna keep my eye on her my whole life because I thought one day I wanted to marry you. I love you so much. More than I love my self. Your perfect for me. I feel like we were meant to be together. 

M- Jaden, you cheated on me. How can I forget that? You hurt me, to the point of giving up. I need time. I'll see you around Jaden.

Jadens POV

M- Jaden, you cheated on me. How can I forget that? You hurt me, to the point of giving up. I need time . I'll see you around Jaden.

Then she walked out. FUCK. What did I just fucking do? I ruined both of our lives.  She's never gonna wanna se me again. I broke our trust to the point of her giving up. Maybe I'm just better of dead. This is a disaster.  I hurt her so much. I hate my self. WHAT DID I JUST FUCKING DO??!?

All I could think of is screaming. I didn't know what else to do. I lost the love of my life. I just sat and scrolled through I pictures. I had to say something. 

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