Shopping day

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Mads POV 

Me and Jae have gotten really close since my break up a couple of months ago.  He always makes sure I'm ok and doesn't want me to feel sad or depressed about the whole situation. Well me and Jae today are going shopping for the first time in a couple of months. I'm kinda excited but kinda scared because of that Hollywood fix guy. I think his name is fletcher? I'm not 100% sure. Well let's continue the story.

Jadens POV 

Me and mads are going shopping today. I  kinda nervous because I want her to have fun but she hasn't been out of the house since the whole party thing. 

J- hey mads? Are you ready to g- 

Woah she's wearing that to go shopping. Damn alright.

M- yeah just let me get my purse. 

So we get to the mall and I notice the sway boys here so we go meet up with them. So glad Q is  not here to ruin it all. But I did notice that josh was checking out my girl, wait what am I saying we aren't dating yet. Ugh I need her to be mine soon before she gets snached by josh. 

Mads POV 

I notice Jadens jaw was clenched. 

M- Jae you okay?

J- yeah I'm fine lets just go look around the mall for a bit.

M- okay. 

Something seems off about the whole thing then I notice josh was checking  me out. That's why Jaden is pissed. So I walk up to josh.

M- yo man stock checking me out. Weirdo.

J- oh- I-I- didn't mean- I- 

M- save it. 

Damn what a weirdo. I try to make it past the crowd of people to get to Jaden. Next thing I see is Jaden beating up someone. I run out of there. I don't know where I was going I just. Kept. Running.

Jadens POV 

Q- look who we have here.

J- what do you want.

Q- for you to stay away from my girl.

J- your girl? Seriously? Are you insane, you called her a slut then went off and slept with a different girl in her bed! 

Q- I was drunk alright! It didn't mean to happen! That was months ago! 

J- it's not an excuse. 

Next thing I know I'm in a fist fight with him. I see so,some out of the corner of my eye watching us. It looked like mad- 


It was mads. She saw me beating the shit out of Quinton. Now she's gonna think I'm a bad person.  I saw her run out of there like a cheetah. I went after her. Damn this girl is fast, but when I caught up to her she dropped to the ground crying. I went up to her and hugged her. That's the only thing I knew what to do. 

M- Jae, why?

J- he was calling you his girl again and then he brought up the past and so did I, then next thing I know we are in a fight and I see you come up and then run out so fast. So now this is where we are at.

M- now I have to know, Jae what are we?

J- I'm not sure what do you wanna be?

M- I don't know. 

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