Weird day

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Jadens POV

So me and Mads are staying home today and relaxing. She's has had a lot of stress on her lately and  I wanted to do something special for her today. My plan is to get one of the Boys to hit on her because then she's gonna be like I'm dating Jaden, so leave me alone or shell hit them. I just want her to have the best day possible because she's stressing to much. So I hope the plan works.

J- Butterfly come here please!

M- What's up Jae?

J- I need to go to the studio today to work on my music so if you want you can stay here and bake a cake or something.

M- Okay sounds good, see you soon.

J- Before I go can you get Kio for me?

M- Sure.

About 10 seconds later Kio comes downstairs.

K- What's up man?

J-I need you to hit on mads for me.

K- Dude are yall dating tho?

J- I know but i want to test her loyalty.

K-Fine sure whatever.

J-Bye thanks bro.

Kio's POV

Great now its time to hit on mads. I hate this so much. That's Jaden's girlfriend. I can't hit on her. Great here she comes.

K- Hey beautiful.

M-Hi Kio.

K- Wanna do something today?

M- No thanks I'm already busy today thanks tho.

K- Will you go swimming with me?


So they ended up going swimming, well Kio only did because Mads was tanning. Then Kio came over to her and tried to pick her up.

M- Kio I swear to god if you pick me up you'll end up dead.

K- Woah princess chill. 

M- Kio what is wrong with you?! Stop hitting on me! I'm going inside. Don't follow me!

Mads POV 

ugh what the hell is wrong with Kio. I'm just going to text Jaden.


Mads: Hey babe I need you to handle Kio when you get home.

Jaden: Hey babe what happened?

mads: He keeps hitting on me and I swear to god if he does not stop I'm going to punch him in the face.

Jaden: Okay babe I'm almost done at the studio, I'll be home soon. 

Mads: Okay see you soon.

So Jaden will be home soon. I'm kinda happy because I can get away from Kio and his obsession over me. 

Jaden's POV

So Mads just told me that Kio won't leave her alone. Now that I think about it I shouldn't've done that to her. I need to text Kio to stop messing with her.


Jaden: Kio you can stop now.

Kio: Alright good because she said she was going to punch me in the face.

Jaden: Wow man, she's violent. 

Kio: But yet your dating her. 

Jaden: And yet I don't care if she beats you up.

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