What really happened at the party

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Mads POV 

We arrive at the party and I smell a wave of alcohol hit my nose. Uch. I don't drink,because I'm underage. So Me and Q go inside and we see strippers all around the boys except Jaden. He's hiding out in the corner. He has a very disgusted look on his face. Quinton is obviously drunk so I walk over to Jaden. 

M- hey Jaden.

J- oh hey mads, how have you been?

M- could be better. 

J- well you know what could make that better? He said with a smirk on his face.

M- and what's that Mr. Hossler? 

J- come with me. 

They both go upstairs and they have a full blown make out session. Then it starts getting rough. ( I don't feel comfortable writing smut so use you  imagination) 

They ended up going back downstairs after fixing up and Quinton notices them coming down the stairs. 

Quintons POV 

We walk into the party and oh boys I'm getting drunk tonight. I forget about mads because I never really cared about her. She was a slut anyway. So we get in  and I see alcohol and strippers my kind of party. So after a couple of shots I see mads and Jaden gone. It didn't cross my mind at that moment that they could've hooked up but as that thought crossed my mind they come back down the stairs.  Oh this had my blood boiling. I'm going to kill him.

Q- Yo Jaden what are you doing?

J- What do you want?

Q- outside now.

Q- so you be hooking up with my girlfriend? I saw y'all. 

J- bro it's not like that. 

Q- oh it's not like that huh? 

I couldn't help it at the time and I just punched him in the face. I was pissed at him.

They both got into a fist fight and the whole party was outside watching them. Then I saw mads she looks like she's been crying. I don't feel bad. I walked right up to her and said

Q- slut. Go fuck your new boyfriend.

Mads POV 

I've had of his shit. When he called me that I just slapped him in the face and said 

M- why don't you go fuck you side chicks! 

I just walked out and and maybe 10 minutes later Jaden came out and asked  me if I was ok. We were both sitting there talking and in the moment he kissed me.   Surprisingly Quinton saw and grabbed my arm and drove home. I got out of the car slammed the door and ran to the bathroom. Quinton was yelling at me but I just yelled to have him leave me alone. I decided to post on Instagram.



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Mads.yo-  Hey lovelies, I won't be active for a while I need time to make my self better. I'm getting over a hard time right now. I don't know when I'll be back. I'm sorry but I have to do this for right now. I love you and I will miss you. Love you!💔💋😘

❤️ by jadenhossler, nessabarrett, avanigregg and 1 mil more

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jadenhossler- please get better

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jadenhossler- please get better.💔😕

❤️by mads.yo, joshrichards, luvanthony and 1.6 million more

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 Mads POV

I saw Jadens post and I felt loved. At that moment I got a text for Jaden.


Hey butterfly, are you ok? I saw your post?

Butterfly 💕

Kinda, still very sad. But you mister should have not gotten yourself into another fight.


I know but he started it. 


I know and I'm sorry. I'm trying to still hide from him. I had to hide in the bathroom.


I'm sorry. You know what I'm coming  to get you. Your not saying no. I will be there in 10 minutes.


Jae it's 1 in the morning. Fine I'll get ready

Read at 1:05

Now I have to figure out a way to get out of the house without Quinton noticing me leave. I'll deal with him in the morning. I'm leaving. Next think I hear is the front door open. Shit I forgot to lock the front door, but it's ok it's just Jaden. I heard a knock on the door. I'm still to scared to open the door. Then I hear Jadens voice.

J- butterfly open the door please.

M- ok. 

I open the door and I'm engulfed into a hug. For some reason I fell really save with Jaden. He makes me feel safe and loved. Then I heard my bedroom door open. Shit it's Quinton.

J- who's that? He whispered. 

M- Quinton . Get in here. 

We both are sitting in the bathroom and I locked the door. In just walking backend forth because I'm trying to wrap my head around what happened in the last 18 hours. 

J- hey you need to sit down and relax.

M- I can't. I'm so scared Jae. What if he sees your car out front or worse hears you. He could kill you.

He gets up and hugs me.

J- you'll be ok and so will I. I will not let anything happen to you butterfly. I love you.

M- I love you to Jae.

Hey guys I know I haven't posted in a while but I just wanted to say thank you all for the love and support you have given me with this story and my other ones. I'm sorry this story is kinda short. I will make sure to write more very soon. Love y'all and Justremeberyourbeautiful💋😘

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