~ Prologue ~

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Kyraila stood with a sword tight in her grip, the silver shined off the sharpness of the blade

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Kyraila stood with a sword tight in her grip, the silver shined off the sharpness of the blade. Her plain tunic was to her waist and leather trousers down to her ankles. Her brown shoulder length hair, tied up in a ponytail - so it wouldn't distract her. Kyraila let out a breath of air, staring at her opponent, which was Victoria. With one swift leap forward, Kyraila swung her sword in a quick motion, attacking her mentor. But Victoria was quick and blocked her attack, as the swords clashed together making that sweet sound. Kyraila drew back, offering a smug smirk to Victoria, as she did the same back. With another slash through the air, hoping Victoria wouldn't expect the sudden attack, but she was ready, as she blocked once again.

"Use your opponent's strength against them," Victoria spoke softly, her voice flowing through the air as she pushed her sword up and threw Kyraila off of her. Kyraila knew that Victoria was well trained, and that's why her mother - Hecate chose her as the mentor. Kyraila swirled her sword around effortlessly, not fearing of being cut or losing it from her grip. It was also a sort of taunt to her opponent. As if Victoria knew what she was doing, Kyraila threw her sword out as they began to clash with one another. The sound of metal hitting one another rang out, grunts from both women escaped their lips as they put everything into it. Kyraila put every swing, turn, and fist into what she got, but Victoria seemed to always block her attack. Kyraila slammed her sword onto Victoria's, but she grabbed her hands, and held her there.

"Would be easier just to use magic," Kyraila spoke swiftly, as she felt Victoria use her own strength to push her back, but they kept their opposite forces steady.

"Sometimes your magic might not always be reliable," Victoria states to Kyraila, as she knew that sometimes her magic might not be accessible. With Kyraila distracted, Victoria used all her strength and pushed the swords back, making Kyraila become unbalanced at this action, and Victoria saw a clean shot. She swirled on the ground and kicked her student to the ground, as she landed on her back with a thud.

"Ow," Kyraila groans out, stretching her back while lifting her head to meet the hazel eyes of Victoria. "No fair. I was distracted," Kyraila moaned at her teacher.

"Always focus on your target. It's the difference between life and death," Victoria states, giving her the piece of advice that she will hold onto. Victoria shoved her sword into the dirt ground, and held out her hand to Kyraila to take. With a glance between her teachers hand and her eyes, Kyraila accepted. Their palms locked and Victoria pulled her student to her feet, as Kyraila brushed down her trousers of the dirt that had accumulated.

"Will do," she replied, as she finished patting down her trousers.

"Now go practise your magic," Victoria ordered, as Kyraila moaned under her breath, but she nodded her head and went off to the little shack they were living in. It was roomy, and safe. It was far from public view, as they were living on a empty field and it was what was needed for the training of Kyraila. One day the training will come into use, and so will her magical abilities. But she had a long way to go...


Enjoy the prologue! !!

Enjoy the prologue! !!

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