Chapter Eleven: Returned

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I stood inside the tent with Colonel Phillips and a Corporal who was using a typewriter to type a report out for Senator Brandt

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I stood inside the tent with Colonel Phillips and a Corporal who was using a typewriter to type a report out for Senator Brandt. After the explosions at the Hydra facility, and Steve making that jump, I had to get out of there before the building could collapse onto me. Truth be told, I have no clue if Steve and James had gotten out of the base without a scratch. But I couldn't go looking, I had to return to my position at the SSR before I would be missed.

"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers killed in action. Period," Colonel Phillips conveyed with the Corporal officer, as this what was going in the report to the Senator. I shifted the weight from one foot to the other, as hearing the report made me uneased, I went to that base in hope of getting James and all the other men back - truth be told, I might have just gotten them all killed because I was too chicken to out myself.

"The last surveillance flight is back," Peggy's voice bounced from my ears, alerting me to her presence, as I swiftly turned. Already seeing the Colonel looking at her with a stern gaze. When I appeared back at the SSR base, Peggy confined in me what she and Stark had done. That they took Steve to the facility. Peggy had placed the photography onto the table, I was across from Peggy and Phillips. "No sign of activity," Peggy sounded gloomy, as there was no sign of any survivors.

"Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal," the Colonel directed to the corporal, and he agreed. My stomach dropped as this was going to be a telling off for Peggy. Phillips dropped the photography, and took a few steps around the table to look out to the base, because the tent was opened like that. "I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the Army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one," Phillips began, as he shot his head back around to stare at Peggy.

"With respect, Sir, I don't regret my actions. And I don't think Captain Rogers did either," Peggy announced, respectfully commenting back at her decision on taking Steve to the Hydra base.

"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions?" Phillips snapped back, making me want to snap back too, but I bit my tongue. "I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead," Phillips took a few steps back in front of Peggy. "'Cause you had a crush," he added to the mix, noting Peggy's crush on Steve.

"It wasn't that," Peggy argued, but she did it in a way of not being able to get told off for it. "I had faith," she commanded, as I grew a smile on my face, faith was a big deal it could conquer anything. 

"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down," Phillips shot back at her, keeping his tone still and not raised.

"Her and Captain Rogers did a courageous thing, and personally it was their best shot," I stuck up for the course of action Peggy had taken with Steve, because it was brave. I saw Peggy give me a warm smile as the Colonel turned his head to me, narrowing his eyes, and was ready to say something, but he noticed the commotion outside of the tent.

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