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Two Months Later...

Every since me and Jaiden left the resort, I never heard from Jahseh after that about what happened between us, cause I guess it was always just nothing. He still comes by to get Jaiden every weekend and I'm perfectly fine with that. That's his son too, and he can spend his time with him and not be with me.

I mean, it's not like we haven't done this already.

I walk up Jahseh's apartment complex and knock on his door, waiting for him to open it.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I hear Jaiden's voice on the other side, then smile as he opens it and hug my legs.

"Hey baby boy. Ready to go?" I ruffle his hair and he nods.

"Alright, go get your toy bag." I say and shove him lightly back inside.

I watch him run towards the back and I step inside and close the door, wondering where the hell Jahseh is and why he wasn't at the door when Jaiden opened it for me. I walk down the hall and pass the extra room he has for Jaiden and watch him stuff his toys messily into the bag, and I smile at the scene for a bit, then jump slightly as a banging noise startled me.

"Stay in here, Jai. I'll be right back." I call to him and he nods and keeps packing his toys. I walk down the hall to Jahseh's room and I swear all the blood in my body boils as I hear a faint moan.

"Oh hell no!" I shout and literally kick the door open.

I see Jahseh and some girl getting it on, and I don't even care about him getting it on, it's the simple fact that he's getting laid with my four year old son here.

"Jasmine!? What the fuck!?" He shouts and quickly jumps off the girl as she screams and desperately scrambles to cover herself up. I stomp over to his side and slap the shit out of him.

"Are you fucking serious right now! Having sex with my fucking son here! Are you stupid!?" I shout and start hitting him again and he flinched from me, but keeps quiet.

"You know what? I don't care that you're having sex with different bitches every night, but you take a break when my son is here! I don't care if he ruins your 'fucking' weekends because this was your arrangement, not mine!" I turn around, leaving his room, but before I do, I turn and shoot a glare at the girl who looks fifty shades of stupid.

"And you, you should be ashamed of yourself." I whisper and watch her face redden from embarrassment, then I leave his room, ignoring his shouts for me to come back.

"Come on Jaiden, we're leaving." I grit, snatching him up, not too hard to hurt him.

"Jasmine! Wait!" Jahseh shouts, but I ignore him and open his apartment door, slamming it behind me and heading towards the elevator.

"Look mommy! Daddy's running!" Jaiden squeals and I smash the elevator call button faster, and thank the heavens when it opens.

"JASMINE, PLEASE!" He hollers, but I watch the elevator doors close in his breathless face as me and Jaiden stand inside.

"Mommy, why didn't you wait for daddy?" Jaiden looks at me and I kiss his nose.

"Cause daddy did something very bad." I whisper and step out of the elevator when it opens again, only to be ambushed by Jahseh.

"Jas...mine." He pants and I groan.


"No listen, I'm sorry. She came by and I didn't want to be rude so-"

"So you gave her a quick fuck with our son there, and not even watching him. How fucking thoughtful, Jahseh!" I snap and walk out of the apartment building and to my car.

"It wasn't like that!" He swears, but I just shake my head and press the unlock button then set Jaiden down.

"Go get in the car." I tell him, and he steps off the sidewalk and does what I say. Turning back towards Jahseh, I cross my arms.

"You know, I hope for these poor hoes sake, you're wearing protection." I say and he sends me a cold glare.

"Of course I'm wearing fucking protection!" He yells, and I put up my hands in a surrendering way.

"Hey, I'm just saying. I wouldn't want them to go through our situation." I say honestly, watching his eyes light up.

"Are you talking about us being together for a few days?" He asked and I laugh at his question.

"I don't give zero fucks about that, Jahseh. I'm talking about you supposedly watching our son while fucking random bitches!" I growl, then turn and climb into my car.

"You got on your seatbelt?" I ask Jaiden and he replies with a small yes. I nod and start the car and look up to see Jahseh still watching me. I roll my window down and clear my throat.

"And don't expect Jaiden to be coming over here for a while." I shout a little, then back up and pull off, ignoring his angry tantrums. After a few silent minutes, I stop at a red light and look at Jaiden through the rear view mirror.

"Wanna go to the store, Jai?" I ask and his little brown eyes light up.

"YES!" He cheers and I giggle and focus back on the road and drive off to the store.


"Jaiden!" I snap, walking up and down random aisles. My heart is in my stomach and I'm annoyed, angry and worried. I have absolutely no clue as to where he ran off too. I run a hand through my hair and dart my eyes all over the place, then freeze as I see a little boy and I run to him.

"Jaiden!" I snap with relief and grab his hand, turning him around to see it's not him. This little boy has hazel eyes and he has tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say and let go of his hand, but he grabs mine again.

"I'm lost." He whispers, desperately looking around for whoever he lost, and I frown then bend down to his level.

"My son is too. Help me find him and we'll find your person too?" I ask and he nods then wiped his tears away.

"Ok, great. What's your name, sweetie?" I ask while we walk down more aisles, and he looks up at me innocently.


"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jasmine." I smile brightly at him and he smiles back, tightening his grip on my hand. We walk past another aisle until I hear a familiar voice.

"MOMMY!" I whirl around to see Jaiden holding some guy's hand, and as soon as Noah turns his head too, his face lights up.

"DADDY!" He shouts and starts dragging me towards Jaiden and his dad. We all soon meet halfway and Jaiden and Noah are more curious with one another instead of greeting their parents. I look up at Noah's dad and I have to force my mouth to stay closed.

He's young. Tall. Dark. Very handsome. Not to mention that the glasses he has on makes him looks professional.

He glanced up from our sons that are now hugging their rightful parents leg and staring at each other, and looks up at me and I'm taken aback by how gorgeous his smile is.

"Hey, thanks for finding my son. I found your son while looking for mine." He explains and I nod.

"Same. This worked perfectly then." I joke.

"A little trade huh." He jokes back sand I laugh. I actually laugh, and I'm not in the house watching tv.

I'm out talking to a guy with a son.

A guy with a son who is hopefully single...


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