Ch. 13

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I promised her. I fucking promised her that I'm not gonna let her down like I did in high school. If I do, I might as well just give up and let Stoke have her. And that shit doesn't sit with me at all. I wrap my hand around her waist and walk back into the restaurant. Reaching our table, I remember asking Desiree to hold Jaiden while I went to talk to Jasmine. Now, she has a sleeping Jaiden on her shoulder  while she goes off on Stoke and Sierra.

This should be good.

"Really, Des? You're just mad cause Stoke doesn't want to fuck you." Sierra smirks and Desiree looks shocked.

"You know what, Sierra? I'm not ashamed to say that I like your brother. So fucking what? But really Sierra? Why are you like this? You know what, don't even answer that. Both of y'all motherfuckers are fucked up in the head. Can't y'all see that they want to try and be a family together? And you Stoke, the so called "brother" of Jahseh and you're trying to take his place." She snaps and he shrugs.

"I know how that nigga is, he's gonna wait until he gets what he wants, then go back to his high school ways." He shakes his head and I clear my throat, catching them all off guard.

"You don't know shit, Stoke. If I knew this is how you would be, then I wouldn't have you not come on this trip." I walk over to Desiree and smiled at her.

"Thank you for holding him, I got it from here. I know he's a little heavy." I reach out my arms and she gently passes Jaiden over to me. He sighs deeply, but doesn't wake up. I glare at Stoke and he rolls his eyes.

"Aight, whatever. Y'all heard what I said." He then glances at Jasmine and shakes his head.

"I could've gave you what you deserve. Fuck it." He shrugs and she groans.

"Fuck you. Let's go, Jah. I'm so tired of this day." She laces her fingers with mine and we start walking out the buffet. We hear some commotion behind us and suddenly Desiree pops up beside Jasmine.

"Y'all don't mind if I walk back with you two?" She looks deeply upset and I feel bad for her.

Here she probably came on this trip to get closer to Stoke, and he's too busy chasing after his vro's baby mama.

Jasmine smiled sadly and throws her free arm around Desiree.

"Nah, we don't mind at all. You okay?" She raised a brow and Desiree nods.

"Yeah... I'll be okay. Thank you." I smiled a little and we start walking back to the rooms, hopefully going to sleep this drama off for awhile.


Jasmine holds open our hotel door as I walk in with Jaiden sleeping on my shoulder. We offered for Desiree to sleep on the pullout couch in our room, due to the fact she just got into it with Stoke and Sierra, but she declined. I think she was worried about us just getting together and giving us our privacy, it's a nice gesture, but I'm gonna talk Jasmine into going over there and asking her again.

We walk inside the room and I lay Jaiden down on the bed. Jasmine comes over and start gently undressing him for the night. I watch her intensely, just seeing how she handles him. I never really see her do the Mommy thing now. I remember the first month of having Jaiden and I had to go over to her house all the time to be with him cause she didn't want him with anyone else. That was the first time I ever seen her do the Mommy thing...



I push the doorbell and awkwardly tap my foot. I know Jasmine's still pissed at me for just showing up after having my son, but she'll live. I step back a little as the door swings open and she's standing there looking exhausted.

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