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"Wow, and he had a what?" Desiree asks for the hundredth time, just trying to be sure, I guess. I take a deep breath and roll my eyes.

"He had a son too. And he was so fine, but such a sweetheart. We have a play date tomorrow. I'm really excited." I squeal as I lay out on my couch and watch as Desiree giggles and lays out on the floor. It's around nine at night and every since me and Jaiden got back from grocery shopping, I came home, took him to the park, made dinner, Desiree came over and joined us and after Jaiden's bath, I put him to bed and ever since then we've been talking about Kentrell.

And for a while, Jahseh too.

"Wow, Jasmine. I'm really happy for you. You know, after that fallout with Jahseh, I thought you were gonna be broken for a while. Lord knows I would've been, but you, you're strong." She smiled genuinely at me and I feel tears threaten to spill.

"Thank you so much, Desiree. I'm so thankful and lucky to have a friend like you." I get up from the couch and tackle her on the floor with a hug, and we burst out into giggles.

"Come on girl, you're gonna make me cry." She keeps laughing while fanning her face, and I fan mines too then stop as my doorbell rings.

Who the hell can that be?

"Hold on." I mutter and get up, rushing to the door and looking out the side window. I see Jahseh standing with his hands shoved in his pockets and a determined look on his face.

"Shit." I mutter quietly and turn to see Desiree looking at me with wide eyes.

"Who is it?" She asks and I frown.


"What the hell is he doing here?" She rolls her eyes as she remembers the story I told her and I shrug.

"The hell if I knew! Should I answer?" I whisper and she nods.

"I got your back if he tries to start some shit." She promised and I throw her a thumbs up and then open the door, staring at him as his hand stretches out to ring the doorbell again, but he notices me and drops it.

"Jasmine, can I come in?" He asks and I step aside and wave the air, granting him access to enter. He's wearing a grey thrasher hoodie under his blue denim jacket, black and white Adidas pants and black air forces. His blue hair is also braided in two. I close the front door and then turn to see Desiree disappeared from the living room, probably eavesdropping somewhere where Jahseh can't and won't see her. I glare at him as he lets releases a sigh.

"Look, is Jaiden coming over on Friday or what?" He asks straight out the blue and I place a finger on my chin and tap it.

"Hmm... let me think about that." I lift my eyes to the ceiling and then gasp, dropping my tapping finger.

"Hell no!" I snap, and his brown eyes darken as he steps up to me.

"Seriously bro, knock it the fuck off. I said I was sorry, what more do you want from me, Jasmine?" He growls and I grit my teeth.

"How about a fucking reset button so I could have stopped my stupid ass from going to that party and sleeping with you!" I snap and his eyes widen with anger.

"So you're saying you wish our son never existed!?" He hissed and my blood boil at the thought.

"No, I'm saying I wish I never had him with YOU!" I shriek, then remember to quiet myself down as he's asleep upstairs. Jahseh breathes heavily and looks at me with pained eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry but at the resort, I realized that I'm not ready to be committed to one person for the rest of my life- I-I'm not ready to take care of a family." He says honestly and I nod, my heart stinging a bit at that.

"I get that, but you could have saved me from a heartache by just telling me straight up, Jahseh." I mutter and watch his face scrunch up.

"Jasmine, I'm so sor-"

"Stop." I croak and put up a hand as my emotions boil over.

"I try so hard every single day to take care of Jaiden and make the money my grandma left for us last, and I try so hard to explain to Jaiden why we can't be a family like the kids at the park, but it's hard. And it hurts me to know that he'll be going to school next year and when they ask him about family, he's gonna have to learn how to explain to them that he has two, cause let's face it, you're probably never going to settle down and I'm not waiting for you." I say seriously, tears streaming down my face and I watch as his face completely drops.

"What are you saying? Have you met someone?" He asks, his voice low and I shrug.

"Maybe, but that's none of your damn business." I grit out through clench teeth, and his face looks angry.

"It's all of my damn business as soon as you involve another man in with MY son!" He whisper shouts and I laugh dryly.

"Oh grow the fuck up! I'd never let another man come in here and hurt Jaiden in anyway-"

"I don't care, I don't want any man around him but me-"

"So what!? You can go out, shake your ass and have a good time, fucking different girls in every single position and have all of these hoes smiling and laughing in Jaiden's face, but I can't have a simple guy friend I might be interested in!?" I shriek and I shake my head.

"Well, that shit doesn't fly with me and it's happening, I'm going on a play date with this guy and you're not gonna do shit about it!" I shout then open the front door and point him out.

"GET THE HELL OUT AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL IT'S FRIDAY!" I scream, not caring that Jaiden's sleep anymore. Jahseh's face looks priceless, but then he does something that shocks the hell out of me and makes Desiree come out of hiding. He rushes up the stairs, up MY stairs.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I scream, and run up the stairs as Desiree runs behind me. I get to the top and then widen my eyes in rage as Jahseh walks into Jaiden's room and slams the door, locking it.

"JAHSEH!" I shout and bolt up to the door, banging on it.

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" I shout loudly, tears streaming down my face, and he eventually does open it, but he has Jaiden sleeping peacefully on his shoulder as he carries him.

"I'm taking my son with me." He says firmly, and my face heats up.

"No the fuck you're not!" I shriek, and Desiree backs me up.

"Jahseh, just stop and go!" She scolds, but he pushes us out the way and strides down the hall and down the stairs, leaving us to stumble recklessly.

"JAIDEN!" I scream, and run down the stairs like they're on fire. My eyes are blurry as I run out the open door to see Jahseh's car starting up. I run outside and scream a line of profanities at him as he starts backing out of my driveway.

"JAHSEH! BRING ME BACK MY SON!" I scream loudly, but he throws the car in drive and speeds off down the street without even stopping at the stop sign at the end.

He just took my damn son all because I spoke of seeing a guy that I'm not even with. I fall to my knees on the pavement and cry hysterically, and Desiree comes by my side with her phone in her hand.

"I just called Stoke, do you want me to call the police?" She asks, rubbing my shoulders and I shake my head.

"N-No. I don't want to go to court for custody and have a chance of losing Jaiden... I'll just..." I choke on a sob and cover my face.

"I'll just wait until things cool down and go get him tomorrow." I cough out, and Desiree puts her phone away and helps me to my feet.

"Alright boo, come on and let's get you inside. I'm sleeping over tonight." She says and I nod my head and walk slowly and heartbroken all the way back to my house, wishing that I never opened the door for him...


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