Ch. 35

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Two More Chapters...

I reach out and feel around the bed, having a panic attack when I don't feel any kids. Instantly, I jump up and look around the dark room, trying to see if they got up, but it's way too dark and Jaiden won't even leave the bed during the middle of the night without me. I go to the door and walk out, looking both ways down the dark hallway. I don't hear or see any kids and it scares me.

"BOYS!?" I shout into the darkness, but get no answer. I go to their room and seriously freak out as they're not in there. Clamping a hand over my mouth, I run down the hall and to the stairs, running down full force and skidding to a stop at the bottom so I whirl into the living room. I stop in my tracks as Jaiden is standing in the middle of it, crying. My heart skips a beat and I walk forward.

"Jai? What's wrong? Where's Noah?" I ask softly and hold open my arms. He quickly runs to me and cries louder and I look around, then freeze as Noah whimpers from the corner. I peer to see him better, then step back as a figure steps out from the corner, now carrying him. My entire mood falls as I stare at Alison looking pissed and a little unstable. She drags a hand through her brown hair and clutch Noah tightly to her side.

"Alison, how the hell did you get into my house?" I ask calmly as possible and she laughs.

"I know things and I've been watching , so I know where you keep your spare key. I also know that you've been pushing Kentrell to take me to court for full custody of my son. That's not happening. My son loves me and wants to stay with me, isn't that right sweetie?" She looks down at Noah and he looks terrified. His eyes are wide and he shakes as she strokes his curly hair. Jaiden tightens his grip around me and buries his face deeper into my neck.

"Alison, give me Noah and get out before I call the police. I don't want any problems, so I'm leaving you options here." I hold up my hand and she scoffs.

"Fuck you. I'm not going anywhere without my son in my arms-"

"Mommy! Help me!" Noah whimpers and reaches for me, but Alison gets angry and smacks his hands down.

"Don't you DARE call her that, Noah! SHE'S NOT YOUR FUCKING MOMMY, I AM!!" She screams causing tears to fall from her eyes and I can't feel sympathy for her.

"Don't you ever hit him like that again." I snap, stepping forward, but I turn around as the sound of a door being opened grabs my attention. I stare at the figure walking through the dark, then the lights flick on and I feel relieved to see Kentrell standing there. He looks confused; really confused but soon it turns into anger as he noticed Alison holding Noah.

"You lost your goddamn mind, Alison! Give me my damn son!" He walks forward and she shakes her head frantically while her tears fall recklessly.

"No, Kentrell. You're not gonna do this to me, I know what you're gonna do-"

"You hurt him! You hurt us both and I'm not allowing this anymore! I was stupid to let you do that to him, I could care less about myself, but my son is the most important thing. Give him to me now or you can stay, but be prepared to get the police called on you." Kentrell then turns to face me and speaks gently.

"Get ready to call them." He pulls out his phone and hands it to me. I take it and stare at Alison as she trembles. Noah starts crying for us and I feel so horrible. Jaiden soon lifts his head from the space between my neck and shoulder and looks back at Noah. He sniffles sadly and looks at me with sad eyes, causing me to look away.

He wants me to help Noah and I want that too, but I can't...

I don't want to risk anything to get him hurt.

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