Chapter 28

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The rustling of a rushing river drew Halt out of his daze. Shifting in his saddle, he willed his horse to follow the sound. Crowley had mentioned something about a Salmon River. He said it passed through Gorlan, splitting its main village in half. If he followed it, then he would end up at Castle Gorlan in no time. But that was easier said than done.

Halt didn't even know if he wanted it done. Yes, he wanted to help Crowley and the revolution. Yes, it was his own idea. But as the clock ticked, Halt found himself nervous. He didn't want to meet Morgarath. He had heard many things about the king, and none had seemed pleasant.

Once upon a time, he would have had doubts. Maybe Moragarath wasn't that bad. Maybe everyone was exaggerating. Maybe he was just misunderstood. Halt had been like that once. Back in Hibernia when the only thing between him and the world was a crumbling wall. When the person who was supposed to have his back betrayed him.

But Morgarath wasn't like him. He wasn't like Ferris either. Morgarath was worse. His greed for power exceeded Ferris's tenfold. Ferris was like a fly compared to him. Halt buried his face in his hands. He sighed. No more running, he told himself. No more escaping. He had a plan, and he was going to stick with it. There were people depending on him. People who he didn't want to let down. People who he refused to let down.

Pushing through a bush, Halt finally found the river. It was narrower than he expected. Quicker too. If anyone were to fall in it, they would have been gone in a second. Not even the strongest of swimmers would have been able to handle the strong rapids.

Halt followed the river with his eyes. His hands tightened around the reins of his horse. He swallowed, lifting his chin up. No more running, he repeated to himself. No more running.

And so he spurred his horse along the river.

It didn't take too long for the village to appear in front of Halt's eyes. He pulled his horse to a stop on the outskirts. Breathing in, he shut his eyes for a moment.

This was it. This was the moment that had been coming ever since he had stepped foot into Araluen. He clenched his fists and opened his eyes. Exhaled.

A mask easily slipped onto his face, removing all traces of emotion. It was as if he had trained all his life. He was the most notorious assassin outside of the Genovesans. He was ruthless, merciless, heartless. Nothing would get in his way. Nothing would stop him from what he set out to accomplish. He would always win the fight. He would always be the one surviving.

Because he was Arratay. A criminal. Killer.


Yes, that was who he was. He had killed Baron Arald like he had been asked to, and he was only at Gorlan for his reward. That was all.

Approaching Castle Gorlan, Halt scowled when the guards stopped him in front of the gates. He glared at them. "What?" he said, harshly.

The first one was taken aback by his tone. "Huh?" he said out loud.

The second one only grew angry. With a sharp shing, he drew his sword. "Who are you?" he said.

Halt stared at the guard in disbelief. He scoffed, holding back a bout of laughter. The cowl of his cloak cast a shadow on his eyes, which were dangerously wild. His irises were little flames, swallowing up his pupil. He curled his lips back, baring his teeth in a snarl. "Don't you know who I am?"

"Who are you?" the guard repeated. He tightened his grip on his sword.

This time, Halt didn't keep back his laughter. He howled, cackling until he couldn't. He smiled. "Why don't we play a game, then?" he said, unsheathing his saxe knife. "Take a guess. Any guess. Who am I?"

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