Chapter 10

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Gilan's hand moved slowly and deliberately across the parchment. His script was elegant and legible, unlike the other men his age. Gilan poured his thoughts onto the parchment, explaining and apologizing. He couldn't bring himself to tell his mother and MacNeil face to face. He didn't even want to imagine their reactions on him leaving. But he had to. He needed to.

His thoughts wandered to Crowley, the ranger he had met the day before. He smiled. Excitement tinged his fingertips, and he laughed aloud. It was the first day in three years that Gilan truly felt relaxed and knew that everything would be okay. It was also the first day he wasn't up drilling himself. He had instead spent the morning preparing.

Strapping on his lightweight armor, Gilan attached his scabbard with his sword onto his hip. He picked up his shield. The evergreen insignia looked as if it were glowing, an effect of the cleaning frenzy Gilan went through the night before. Gilan picked up his helmet, leaving his note on the kitchen table. He stepped out onto the streets.

His horse waited for him behind the house where Gilan had left him. Taking its reins, Gilan walked away from the village. He looked up the hill, where Crowley was supposedly waiting. Squinting his eyes, he found no trace of him. Not that he could. Crowley was a trained ranger, and it was impossible for Gilan to see him unless Crowley wanted him to see.

Trudging up the hill, Gilan fastened his helmet onto the pack on the back of his horse. He looked around at the scattered trees, eyes narrowed. Still no sign of Crowley. Was he early?

Suddenly, he jumped. A hand was on his shoulder. Spinning around, Gilan stumbled back. His horse neighed in amusement, and Gilan glared at Crowley. "Don't do that!" he said, catching his breath.

Crowley only chuckled, shaking his head. Gilan studied him in awe. It was the first time he'd seen Crowley in his full uniform. In fact, it was the first time he had ever seen a ranger in full uniform up close.

Gilan blinked several times as it looked like Crowley was shifting between worlds. It was uncanny how he disappeared and reappeared like a ghost.

"Gil?" Crowley snapped his fingers in front of Gilan's face. "You're staring."

"Sorry." He shook his head, regaining his composure. Gilan ran a hand through his hair. "So what's the plan?"

Crowley grinned. "Prepare to be wowed."

Gilan inclined his head, following him deeper into the forest of trees. Before long, they came upon a clearing. His jaw dropped at the sheer number of people, rangers. "Whoa."

Crowley's grin turned. "You're supposed to say "wow."

Gilan laughed. It ended short when every single eye in the clearing simultaneously turned to him. He awkwardly waved, glancing at Crowley.

Crowley then proceeded to introduce everyone, and surprisingly, Gilan felt right at home with them. It was like it was meant to be. Gilan rubbed the back of his neck. Then again, he did want to be a ranger when he was younger.

Gilan turned when Crowley called for his attention. He blinked at the person behind him, the only person he hadn't met.

"Gilan, this is Prince Duncan."

His words took a moment to sink in. Gilan stiffened, his mouth opening and closing. Helplessly, he stared at Duncan, hands raising and lowering. A thousand thoughts rushed through his brain in a few seconds. Questions, exclamations, confusion. He couldn't put any of them into words. So instead, Gilan settled with kneeling. "My lord."

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