Chapter 14

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Gilan hoped he had put enough a good enough performance. The moment he felt Will's eyes drop from him, he had slumped down only to be met with Morgarath's herald. It wasn't that he wanted to put up an act in front of the boy, but that he needed to. Will was young and growing up was a big problem as it was without the whole breaking the law thing. Gilan could only hope that he had nudged Will into the direction of the courage he needed to find to not only survive the whole ordeal but thrive.

"Name and fief, sir?"

Clearing his throat, Gilan straightened up. He held back a grimace. His acting wasn't done just yet. He still had Morgarath to get past. "Sir Gilan," he said, straight to the point. "Knight of the Evergreen. I come from Caraway."

Gilan inclined his head and frowned when the herald turned away but not to announce his arrival to Morgarath. He wrinkled his nose in frustration, raising his head to look around the room. To say that it was grand was an understatement. Morgarath had gone all out when he had become King, and the grand room had changed to be unnecessary and extra even to Gilan's taste.

Now, Gilan agreed that it was always essential to have flair and dramatics, but Morgarath had a knack for taking things too far. When his eyes finally wandered to the throne, he had to resist scowling. Morgarath sat on the throne, seemingly watching the wall. What was he waiting for? What was the herald waiting for? If this was a show of power, Gilan didn't like it. It meant that Morgarath had become too arrogant, too cocky. But he doubted that it was that. Morgarath had some sort of plan; he always did even if he had come unappointed. Before he had the chance to open his mouth, the herald stepped forward, and Gilan rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"My King Morgarath," he said, bowing. "I present to you Sir Gilan, Knight of the Evergreen, traveling all the way from Caraway fief."

Gilan shifted in his armor, setting himself straight with a nod. He walked down the black carpet that contrasted the gold-colored walls and pillars, and his cape beholding the colors of Caraway flew after him as if he was a hero out of a book. He rested an arm on the hilt of his sword, and his other went limp against his side.

Steadying his breathing, Gilan began to bow, and he lowered himself down onto one knee. He looked to the floor, closing his eyes for a brief second. The first steps were always the hardest, he thought. It was the time when he wasn't yet comfortable with how he was to act and that was especially dangerous with Morgarath.

"Sir Gilan," Morgarath started, rising from his golden throne. He walked forward, and Gilan almost winced at the sound of his shoes clicking on the ground. "What pleasure do I owe you for visiting unannounced?" he asked.

Gilan didn't look up when he spoke. "Nothing, my lord," he said.


As if it were a habit, Gilan stood to attention, keeping his head straight and eyes forward. He met Morgarath's eyes for a split second, but it was enough to send him into a state of unease. Gilan inwardly cursed himself for being so stupid to do something so bold. Morgarath didn't seem to notice, stepping forward and circling him.

"Why have you come, Gilan?"

Gilan took a moment to think before responding. "I have come to learn, my lord," he said.

"Learn?" Morgarath echoed, inclining his head. He stopped walking, turning to face him. "My, Gilan, you are the second best knight in this kingdom. What more do you have to learn?"

"Second best is not best," Gilan replied, gulping. "Besides, my lord, you should not speak so highly of me. I won based on luck, not skill. As the capital of Araluen, Gorlan houses the best knights of the realm."

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