Chapter 15

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Crowley's arrival to Wensley Forest was marked with singing birds and peaceful harmony. It was a welcome change to the bleak and haunting environment that the rest of Araluen held. However, Crowley had celebrated too soon. His arrival to Wensley Village was instead met with suspicious glares and uncomfortable whispers.

He had decided to keep his weapons, but now Crowley wondered if that was a bad idea. His bow stuck out like a sore thumb, and the double knife scabbard did wonders by causing people to give him the stink eye. Scratching his hair, Crowley humorlessly chuckled to himself. He should have thought more instead of brashly making decisions.

Beside him were Duncan and Cassandra, who refused to leave Duncan's side. The rest of the rangers had decided to make camp around the old ranger cabin. Unlike Crowley, his companions donned a dark cowl to cover their faces. Crowley had left his mottled one with Cropper to avoid any trouble. He pursed his lip, his own actions ceasing to make sense to him.

Crossing Tarbus River and passing the village, Duncan broke the silence. "Look at them," he whispered. "Something has to have happened. They're scared."

Cassandra glanced back. "Everyone is scared," she said. "No matter where you go."

Crowley frowned, silent. He led the way down the winding path to Castle Redmont. "I don't know," he said. "There's been more guards stationed than the last time I've been here."

Cassandra shrugged. "Maybe."

They were silent for the rest of the way, and the Redmont guards stiffened when they appeared. Standing in front of the gate, they spoke roughly. "State your name and purpose."

Crowley blinked. Cursing under his breath, he glanced back at his two companions. He should have known this was coming. Both his and Duncan's names were widely known across the kingdom, his for being one of the exile rangers and Duncan's for being the former prince.

"William Morris, aye," Crowley said after a moment. "The name is William Morris. This right here is—"

"Albert Crump," Duncan blurted. Crowley blinked in surprise at the name but nodded along, opening his mouth only to be cut off again. This time by Cassandra.

"And I'm Evanlyn," she said even though she had no use hiding her name. She continued on. "We're here to talk to the baron. We have concerns over King Morgarath."

"My apologies, girl," one of the guards said. "Baron Arald will not be talking to... " He glanced at Crowley and Duncan, who had slouched down to play their respected characters. "To illiterate folk."

"Who ye calling illiterate?" Duncan asked. "I'll have ye know that—"

"You wouldn't turn away a small girl that has just been attacked by Morgarath's cronies, would you?" Cassandra asked. "These two men saved my life, and I expect them to be treated right."

The guard glanced at his friend, who shrugged. He gulped. "Yes, ma'am," he said. "Right this way."

Cassandra smiled sweetly, following the guards. Dumbfounded, Crowley and Duncan trailed after them.

"Wait here," the guard said when they reached a pair of enormous doors.

Crowley inclined his head when the guard disappeared, turning to face his companions. He frowned and listened to their quiet chatter. Now that he was inside of the castle, it was clear that something had indeed happened. But what?

He didn't realize that he had moved from his spot until Duncan and Cassandra took their places at his side. He blinked.

"Where are we going?" Cassandra asked.

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