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There lives a young girl who dreams big and loves books far too much for her own good. One of her favorite series in the world is Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan. One day, after writing a one-shot that made her absolute favorite Ranger's Apprentice character Halt into a villain, an idea sparked and she decided to write a whole fanfiction about it. After a whole year has passed, she finally opens up a notebook and begins to plan. Weeks passed, and she is behind a laptop typing.

As scared and excited this girl was and still is of writing this story, she is doing it. Many major changes from canon have been altered, and most of the original series we know and love have been eliminated.

This young girl is me. I am terrified of letting this alternative universe go out into the world for millions to view. However, I am also thrilled to let others into a work of mine to enjoy. My dear readers, this story has been made by blood and tears. I really do hope that you love and cherish it.

So shall you join me, my readers, to forget all that has happened in the original series? To forget everything that happened all the way up to the events at Nihon-Ja? Shall we ignore all of Araluen's history? Join me, and enter this timeline of events in which Morgarath takes the throne. Join me, and enter a new Araluen.

With Love,



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Redman County

The Republic of Aralan States

(formerly the medieval Kingdom of Araluen)

July 1896 

Professor Giles MacFarlane laughed aloud as he gently fingered through the pages of the Lost Stories. Squirming like an excited puppy in his seat, he smiled widely. This was it. Proof that the famed Castle Araluen and the Ranger Corps actually existed at one point. The chronicles and legends had only spoke briefly on the four heroes, Will, Gilan, Crowley, and Halt, having mainly focused on Princess Madelyn, the first female ranger.

Careful to not let the brittle pieces of parchment crumble, MacFarlane craned forward to decipher the thin, light lettering. Fully submerged in the tale of the pages in front of him, the professor's usually heightened sense of hearing didn't catch the steps of his assistants entering the room. Audrey, the young college student who had found the cabin that contained the chest of stories, was with them.

"So what do you think, professor?" Audrey asked enthusiastically. "Is this it? The Lost Stories?"

"I do believe so," MacFarlane said.

"And? What do they say?"

MacFarlane smiled, deciding to tease the young woman. "Patience," he said. "You mustn't be hasty. After all, I've only just received it." He gestured at the chest on the table, papers still stacked in it.

Flushing, Audrey bit her lip, looking down. "Right," she said. "Sorry."

"Oh, for goodness sake," one of the assistants huffed, crossing his arms. "Stop messing around, MacFarlane! We want to know too."

Chuckling, MacFarlane laid down the parchment on the table, removing his spectacles. "Where would I start?"

"The beginning, of course!" Audrey cried. "Don't you dare leave out any details."

"Well, then I would have to start with Morgarath," he said. "The rogue baron. He announced himself the heir to the throne after forging a decree disinheriting Prince Duncan. King Oswald passed away soon after." Looking up, the professor found his companions fervently hanging on his every word. He smiled as he continued. "The Ranger Corps were officially disbanded when he took the throne, moving the capital to his own home, Gorlan. A man named Tiller became the baron of Araluen fief."

"How did they defeat him? Will, Gilan, Crowley, and Halt."

MacFarlane glanced at Audrey, sliding his spectacles back on, letting them rest on his nose. He moved to pick up the stack of parchment in the chest. He smiled.

"Let's find out." 

Ignoring History - Ranger's Apprentice FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now