Chapter 32

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It was unnerving how Morgarath's eyes seemed to follow Halt around even though he was just standing still. They reminded him of the white winters of Hibernia, of the frozen ponds and sharp icicles, staring right through his very soul with an intensity so great that he felt like he was being interrogated. It was like he was standing in purgatory, forever waiting, forever in a state of turmoil.

Halt swallowed a gulp, fighting back a shiver. Relieved that his long sleeves covered the goosebumps that had invaded his arms, he knelt down, averting his eyes to the floor. "Your highness," he said.

"My, my," Morgarath said. "I didn't expect for an assassin such as you to have such pristine manners. Please, Arratay, stand up! There is no need for any formalities here. You humble me."

Halt stood slowly, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. He knew Morgarath wasn't being sincere; he could hear it in his voice. He was glad, happy that he had so much power that even a renowned assassin knew his place. In simpler terms, Morgarath was flattered. He drank power like it was brandy, and it intoxicated him. He sought praise, and he desired wealth. He didn't just want the world under his fingertips, he wanted the people.

"Pull up a chair, will you?" he said. "Come, come. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Wine? I'll have the servants prepare something."

Halt shook his head, taking a seat in a chair. He cleared his throat. "No thank you, my lord."

"Nonsense!" Morgarath clapped his hands together. He rang a bell that had been sitting on his desk. A servant was immediately by his side.

"Yes, my king?" she said.

"Bring us some wine," he said. "The good one."

Halt watched the servant go, fiddling with his thumbs uncomfortably. Suddenly, he regretted not asking for coffee. When he looked back at Morgarath, he was sitting across from him. Only the desk separated the two.

Legs crossed, Morgarath leaned back lazily. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he smiled widely. "Well then, Arratay," he said. "You bring me good news, do you not? That is why you are here."

"I hope so," Halt said. He cracked a grin, forcing his face to relax.

"Do tell."

"My mission in slaying the Baron Arald of Redmont has been successful," Halt said. He watched Morgarath's face brighten, though he was sure that the king had already heard the news. "He is dead now."

"That is exactly what I wanted to hear from you!" Morgarath laughed, tossing his head back. He clasped his hands together and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk.

A knock echoed against the door, and it opened to reveal the servant. She had a bottle of red wine in her hand, two glasses in her other. She shuffled inside nervously, and Halt saw the drop of sweat that was sliding down the side of her head.

"Just in time!" Morgarath boomed as the girl poured the wine. His ice eyes seemed to lighten up. "To Araluen," he said, raising his glass, "and its future prosperity."

Halt picked up his wine glass warily, lifting it up in the air. "Long live the king," he said.

Morgarath grinned, and they clinked their glasses. Halt brought the glass to his lips, tipping it up slightly. It caught Halt off guard, how strong the wine was. It was bitter and not like the bitterness of coffee. It made his skin tingle. He set his glass down carefully. Compared to Morgarath, it was like he had drank none of it.

"Not a drinker?"

Halt shook his head. "No," he said. "I prefer coffee."

"Is that so?"

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