Chapter 3

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Crowley rode up front, leading the small group of rangers. It was one of those days where he held a heavy heart, the days where he looked onto the past. He had always wanted to serve his King, and the way to do that for him was to enlist into the Ranger Corps. Many others would argue that the way to go was becoming a knight or warrior, but Crowley wasn't that type of person. He believed the Ranger Corps had much more potential, and it was disheartening to find it eliminated from Araluen. Especially so soon after he finally received his silver oakleaf.

It had been a long sixteen years since all of it had happened. Every one of the "real" rangers had grouped together, and somehow, crazily, Crowley found himself the elected leader. He silently chuckled at the irony of it. He, the youngest member of the former Ranger Corps, was the leader. He would be Commandment if it wasn't for Morgarath, but things weren't ideal, and he was leading everyone through rounds across all fifty fiefs. Caraway was next on their neverending patrol.

Crowley glanced back at his weary companions. Leander, Berrigan, Egon, Norris, Samdash, Lewin, Berwick, and Jurgen rode behind him, all lost in their own thoughts. His eyes softened as he spotted the two apprentices they had picked up along the road. He smiled to himself. Adri was an orphan they had found, naturally talented at shooting. He was about to start his fourth year apprenticed to Samdash. Then, there was Tommi, Berwick's nephew. He was a young spirited apprentice starting his second year with Lewin. Berwick had insisted on finding him ever since news of his sister's death had reached them.

Turning in his saddle, Crowley stroked Cropper's mane. Many of the rangers were old. If it was going their way, Leander, Berrigan, Egon, and Norris would have already received their gold oakleaves. However, with Morgarath's treachery, they refused to retire until he was put down. Their strength decreased by the day, and Crowley feared that they would soon cease to exist. Apprentices were hard to come by.

"So," Crowley started. He smiled. "You two ready for your assessments?" he asked Adri and Tommi.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Tommi said.

Crowley laughed, remembering his own nervousness when he was accessed. Tommi seemed to not suffer the same conditions, and it refreshed him.

"We're almost to Castle Caraway," he said. "We'll find a place to camp before seeing what you two can do."

"Great," Adri whispered.

Crowley looked over his shoulder at the apprentice. He smiled encouragingly. Adri was Tommi's complete opposite, but somehow, against all odds, they were the best of friends.

Samdash looked at his apprentice. "Just remember everything I taught you," he said, "and you'll be fine."

"I'll try."

That looks like a good campsite over to the left.

Crowley's head spun to the right at Cropper's comment. Thanks. I'd be lost without you.

His horse tossed his head back as Crowley snagged an apple from his pack and dismounted. "We'll stop here," he said as he held out the apple to Cropper.

The rangers dismounted, filing into the small, secluded clearing.

"Keep a lookout," Crowley said to Cropper as he kneeled down to start pitching his tent.

Don't I always?

Soon, the camp was all set. Crowley nodded his approval as he took a look around. "No fires," he said. "We're too close to the village." He raised his hands before everyone could start up yelling at him. "I'm not finished yet," he continued. "We'll go down to the village for coffee and a hot dinner. We'll just have to stagger and go in rounds. Egon, Norris, Leander, you're going to access Adri and Tommi." Crowley stopped to think. "Berwick and Jurgen, you'll come with me on the first round down. When we return, Samdash, Lewin, and Berrigan will go. Then Tommi, Norris, and Egon. And lastly, Leander and Adri."

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