Chapter 17

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"Tell me again what happened."

Will looked up from his seat. It was the hundredth time Crowley had asked him to explain what happened at Gorlan. Letting out a breath, he leaned back against his chair, allowing the sun to hit his face.

Gilan lay on the bed in the far corner of the infirmary, and bandages were wrapped around his torso. As the days slowly trickled away, the rising and lowering of his chest gradually became steadier. The healers were certain that he would survive.

Unfortunately, he had yet to wake, and Crowley had grown worried. Will didn't blame him. He was also worried. It had been several days, and Baron Arald was ready to hold a war meeting without him. Time wasn't something that they could spare to waste.

"King Morgarath was onto him," Will said. "It was my fault. I'm sorry."

Crowley hummed to himself. He scratched his chin, leaning against the wall. Will watched him anxiously, waiting for an answer. His eyes didn't give anything away, guarded with care and practice. Will fidgeted in his seat. He wondered if Crowley even realized what he was doing.

"Why do you say that?" Crowley finally spoke after what seemed like a lifetime.


"Why was it your fault? You said earlier that he was already surrounded when you went in. You were only causing the inevitable to happen sooner."

"But I distracted him!" Will said. "If I hadn't gone in, he might have gotten out of it."

"If you hadn't gone in, he may not have escaped. He could be dead right now, so thank you. The stupid idiot would have gotten himself killed."

"Who, me?"

Will froze at the voice. He met Crowley's eyes, widening his own before jumping onto his feet. He rushed towards Gilan's bed. "Gilan!"

His bleary eyes were barely open, and his face was red as color rushed back into his it. He groaned, rubbing his eyes as he attempted to sit up.

"Don't listen to him, Will," he slurred, coughing. "He doesn't know what he's talking about. I knew what I was doing."

Crowley huffed in annoyance. "If I'd gone, this wouldn't be a conversation."

Will looked between the two of them, eyebrows knitting together. His mouth opened in confusion. How could Gilan speak to Crowley like that? He was a ranger. Who knew what they had under their sleeves?

"You'd be dead if you'd gone," Gilan said. "I think that means I saved your life."

Crowley lightly slapped Gilan right at his wound. He smiled to himself. "Dream on," he laughed as Gilan squirmed.

Will watched the two men banter for a moment longer before slipping out of the infirmary, forgotten. In all his days there at Redmont, he had been offered nothing but hospitality. The baron and his staff always took into consideration his needs, and Alyss had always been kind. However, everyone was busy with preparation. And that left Will with nothing to do. He didn't have a job at Redmont. And unlike Crowley and Gilan who were capable adults, there was no use for him. He was only a farmer. He didn't know how to fight, much less strategize a war. He was a burden.

Stumbling out into the courtyard, Will found himself standing under a tree. He looked up at its branches, cocking his head to the side. He raised a hand and wrapped his fingers around the lowest branch, lifting himself up.

"This tree is taken."

Will yelped in surprise, and he tumbled down to the ground. Landing on his back, he gasped. His eyes searched the leaves, and a mix of confusion and fear spread into his body. He stiffened, crawling back as he sat up.

It was only when the person moved did Will see him. His eyes widened, recognizing the man as the assassin named Halt that had apparently changed sides. "S—sir!" he said. "I'm so sorry. Please don't... please don't kill me."

Halt dropped down onto the ground. "I'm afraid it's too late for that, boy," he deadpanned.


Halt stared at Will for a moment before sighing. "I'm kidding," he muttered. "Don't look at me like that. It's annoying."

"Yes, sir." Will looked down at the floor. His hands shook like earthquakes, and dust started flying up around his feet as his body started trembling too.

Halt raised an eyebrow. "Stop that," he said.

"Yes, sir." Will bit on his tongue, clenching his fists together in an attempt to stop shaking. Sweat began to drip down the side of his head.

Rolling his eyes, Halt sat down at the base of the tree. He crossed his legs together and ran a hand through his uneven hair. "Are you scared of me?" he asked.

Will looked back up at him. His throat went dry, and the trembling stopped. He shuddered as he took in a shaky breath. "Yes, I am, sir."

"Least you're honest," Halt sighed, letting his head drop against the tree trunk. "What is your name, boy?"

"Will, sir."

"Do you know mine?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then, use it."

Will blinked in surprise, taking a step back. He studied Halt and pursed his lip when he made no motion against him. Gulping again, he stepped forward and took a seat next to him. If Halt was surprised, he didn't show it. He didn't even spare Will a glance as he settled down.

Silence elapsed over them, and after a while, Will had even forgotten that he was sitting next to Halt. Instead, he observed the courtyard. No one came in and out of the castle with the exception of guards. Will frowned. There were an abnormal number of guards, but nothing had happened for some days. He didn't think King Morgarath would be making his move so soon, but he supposed that it was better to be safe than sorry.

After another moment, Will noticed that most of the guards were looking his way. He blinked when he realized that they were all watching Halt. He scratched his head, glancing at the assassin.

"What?" Halt said roughly.

"They're all looking at you," Will said.

"Yes," Halt let out a huff. "It appears that they are."

"Doesn't that bother you?" he asked. "Aren't you uncomfortable? Why are they watching you?"

"No," Halt said, crossing his arms. "Don't you know who I am?"

"But didn't you change sides?"

"If you ask another question, I'm going to—"


Halt cut himself off, jumping onto his feet. He turned to face the man that called his name. Raising an eyebrow, he motioned him to continue.

"The meeting starts in an hour," he said. "Don't be late." The man stopped and glanced at Will. He frowned as if only just realizing how young he was. "Your presence was also requested," he said less harshly.

Will got up to his feet. He looked at Halt, who was already walking away. His brows furrowed together as he rubbed the back of his neck. Loitering behind, Will glanced back up at the tree where he had found him.

"Aren't you coming?"

Will jumped, spinning back around. His jaw dropped down at Halt's call. "Yeah," he said. "Yes, sir. I'm coming." 

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