Chapter 6

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Arms crossed, Gilan leaned back against the wall, watching the ranger's trial through the slits of his eyes. He shuffled as people pushed passed him to see it up close. He huffed in frustration, getting off the wall. If everyone would just line up against the wall, everyone would be able to see. Not that it mattered to him. Gilan was tall enough to see above the people's heads.

"We are here today to undergo the trial of—" The baron's assistant gestured his arm at Crowley helplessly. "Of the ranger."

"Please read the charges," the baron said halfheartedly.

The assistant continued. "This ranger has been found slinking around. It has tried to break into this very castle."

"Any proof?"

"You were there yourself, my lord. It was brought to you at capture."

The hairs on Gilan bristled in annoyance. He bit down on his lip as to not speak out, the metallic tang of blood filled his mouth. They were talking as if the ranger was an animal and not a person. He glanced at the ranger whose stone face never wavered. It was amazing, really, how nothing seemed to phase him.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Ranger?"

Gilan frowned when the ranger didn't say anything. Did he not want to defend himself for a chance of release?

Silence echoed across the hall, seeming to drag on for hours, and the ranger did nothing. He didn't move, didn't speak, and Gilan wondered if he was even breathing.

Gilan straightened. If the ranger wasn't going to speak, then he was. "How do we know this is even a ranger?" he asked, stepping forward.

All eyes snapped towards him, even the ranger. Gilan blinked when he could have sworn he saw a flash of annoyance in the ranger's eyes. He shook it off. "He doesn't have the cloak," he said, waving his hands like it was obvious. "Rangers are supposed to have a cloak."

"Gilan, I did not ask you to speak," Baron Fergus said. "Back to the side."

"No!" he said. "He's not a ranger."

"Evidence that he is a ranger." The baron gestured at his assistant.

The assistant held out a silver oakleaf by the chain. Out of the corner of his eyes, Gilan could see that the ranger had tensed. He frowned. "How do we know it's real?"

"Because I say it's real."

Gilan spun to meet the ranger's hazel eyes. They glared at each other.

"I'm trying to help you," Gilan whispered harshly.

"You're only getting yourself in trouble."

"So you admit you were slinking around?" Baron Fergus smirked.

"I didn't say that," the ranger said. "All I said was the oakleaf is real."

The assistant cleared his throat. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" he repeated. "For slinking around?"

Again, silence floated into the hall. It was interrupted by Baron Fergus' fist, pounding on his throne. "We're talking to you, ranger," he snarled.

The ranger slowly met his eyes. "I have no words," he said. Gilan stared at him in disbelief, and the ranger continued. "I need not waste my breath on you, for you have already decided my fate from the beginning. I will be thrown into your dungeons and reported to Morgarath, ranger or not."

"You dare judge my fairness?"

The ranger had nothing to say at that.

Baron Fergus waved his hand. "Arrest him," he growled.

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