Chapter 13

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Will couldn't believe what he was doing. What was he thinking by leaving home with a stranger to rebel against the King of Araluen? What was Gilan thinking by inviting him? He rubbed his neck. He had spoken to his parents after Glian stubbornly insisted that they wouldn't leave until he did, and he felt as if they were more worried now that they knew.

He sighed, shifting uncomfortably on his horse. It had been a long day of riding, and he hadn't spoken a single word to Gilan, who seemed to be lost in thought. Will didn't blame him as he was doing the same.

"You alright there, Will?"

Will blinked, turning to Gilan. Perhaps, he wasn't so lost like he thought. Shurgging, he replied. "Yeah." He trailed off.

Gilan looked at him in a manner that made Will flush red. He was waiting for him to speak, having sensed a question coming on.

"Are you sure we should be headed towards Gorlan was King Morgarath?" Will asked.

Willing his horse to stop, Gilan inclined his head. He faced Will. "I won't bring you into danger if you do not wish it," he said. "Once you step foot into that castle, there is no turning back."

Will hated the choice Gilan had presented to him. Sighing, he played with his horse's mane. "I do want to end Morgarath's reign," he said. "But I do not think it is possible with just the two of us.

"Oh, there is more than just us."

Will tilted his head in question, but Gilan shook his head and continued. "But I can't tell you any more until you make up your mind. Are you in?"

Gulping, Will nodded.

"Say it out loud."

"I'm in Gilan," Will said. "I'm in."

Gilan smiled, and they started on their way again. "Have you heard of the rangers?"

Will blinked in surprise. What did rangers have to do with anything? "Not much," he said. "All I know is that they were all exiled when Morgarath came to power."

Gilan's smile only grew. "Well, you're in for a treat," he said. "Let me explain. It started with King Herbert when he established the Ranger Corps..."

Will listened to the stories in awe. He wondered how such a formidable force could be exiled with a snap of a finger even if it was from the King. They felt like a legend to him, too good to be true. But according to Gilan, they had come together to fight off Morgarath.

When Will looked up, he realized that he must have drifted into his thoughts. He hadn't realized that they had arrived at Gorlan's main village. Startled, he looked towards the castle. It was so much bigger than Castle Aspienne.

Graceful and elegant, the complex, magnificent architecture overthrew Castle Aspienne's at least a hundred times over. Will could even see the intricate designs from far away, and it blew his mind how something could be so beautiful. He couldn't even imagine what Castle Araluen would be like if this was Gorlan.

The towers rose from the ground and shot upwards through the sky, higher than Will had ever been before. He wondered what it was like on the inside. He wondered why anyone would need such a big living space even if it was the King he was talking about.


Will glanced at Gilan. "As ready as I'll ever be." 


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