Chapter 21

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Will sat in the far corner of the dining hall. He ate his porridge slowly, wincing as the hot clump of oats touched his burnt tongue. Blowing at his spoon, his eyes wandered the room. Halt was nowhere to be found, but he never showed up for breakfast. The craftmasters and rangers weren't there either, and that was when Will realized that it was the day.

He downed a glass of milk when a spoonful of hot porridge went down his throat. Will coughed, covering his mouth as he sputtered. His cheeks were rosy, and the color only deepened when Alyss slid into the seat next to him with her own bowl. Three others followed her lead and sat around the table.

"Good morning, Will," Alyss cheerfully said. "I hope it's alright that we sit here. You seemed a bit lonely."

"All good with me." He nervously grinned. "Thanks."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Will!" the girl besides Alyss said. She was a bit on the plump side, but that didn't stop her from being incredibly pretty. Her hair was golden like the sun, darker than Alyss's, and it was tied back into a petite ponytail. Blue eyes alight, she raised a woven basket and pulled out a delicious looking pie. "I'm Jenny," she said, passing it towards him. "This is for you."

Will's mouth watered as the pie made its way before him. It looked heavenly, and it took a lot to not devour it down right there. He cleared his throat and tried to smile. "Did you make this yourself?" he asked. "It looks great!"

Jenny beamed from ear to ear. "I did!" she said excitedly. "I'm Master Chubb's apprentice."

"Why does he get a pie?" someone bitterly asked. "He's only a farmer."

"Horace!" Both girls gasped at once.

Jenny nudged the person, Horace, on the shoulder. She frowned in exasperation. "I made one for everyone," she said, showing him the basket. "Here, take one!"

Horace grunted, but he didn't take his pie. Instead, he shrugged it away, swirling his spoon in his porridge. "Whatever," he muttered, and Jenny's lower lip jutted out. She looked as if she was going to cry.

"That wasn't nice," Will said. "She put time into making you a pie! You should be thankful."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Horace snapped. Jenny withered at his voice, scooting closer to Alyss. "Mind your own business."

Even Alyss wasn't sure what to say to that.

Will stared at Horace, blinking. He gulped at his glare, looking away. He scratched the back of his neck, eyes darting to the others.

"So I'm George," the last person said. His voice was quiet and uncertain, and a flash of regret shone in his eyes immediately after he spoke. Will had a feeling that he had been practicing his lines in the mirror, but it was all wasted with Horace's outburst.

He forced a smile at George's direction. "Nice to meet you, George," he said, holding out a hand. George shook it, and Will blinked at how firm his hand was. He wasn't expecting that from someone so quiet.

Clearing her throat, Alyss gave Horace a look before speaking. "Do you have any plans today, Will?" she asked. "We've been granted a day off, so we could do something together."

Horace coughed. "You guys have been given a day off," he muttered. "The Battleschool only gets an hour."

"Then, we better get going!" Alyss said. "You only have a little over half an hour left."

"No, I'd rather we not."

"You're in the Battleschool?" Will asked, interest piqued. He forgot about Horace's hostility for a brief second. "That's so cool!"

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