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As we continued on our way to the cedar tree at the top of the hill, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and I, I couldn't help but think about what the captain had told me.

My thoughts then came to a halt when I sensed many people around us. There was also the presence of the guy who was ease dropping on us earlier. I didn't sense any harm but I stayed on my guard just in case.

We were in a town that had seemed to be abandoned, but I knew better. "You guys feel that?" I asked the group.

"You getting creeped out by this abandoned town too?" Leorio asked me.

"I know what you mean. I feel it too. There's a bunch of people here." Gon replied.

I nodded at that as we continued.

Then from our left, a bunch of people walked out in front of us wearing masks that hid their whole face and there was and old lady in the middle of the group.

"Exciting, exciting ....TIME FOR THE MOST EXCITING MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ!" An old lady yelled out as multiple people in masks made noise with various instruments.

I looked at them with a deadpan expression.

"You must complete this trivia quiz before passing. You will be given a scenario and two choices, choice one and choice two and you must answer before time runs out." The old lady spoke out to us.

Just then the guy who was following us finally jumped out and wanted to go first. We all obliged and waited for him to take the quiz.


(I'm skipping a bit ahead after you guys passed the old lady's test and met the navigators)

As we made our way through Zaban city, the place where the first exam would be held, with the help of the Kiriko navigators, we finally came to a small restaurant.

"We're here!" Our navigator called out.

After we walked inside, our navigator gave the cook a signal as he lead us to a back room.

We all thanked the navigator and as soon as he left we felt the floor shift beneath us. We were in an elevator.

As we started descending, Leorio and Kurapika started bickering once again about what's more important to a hunter.

I listened to them argue but as soon as they asked Gon what kind of hunter he wanted to be, I finally couldn't take it as I was about to say something, the floor dinged, signaling that we had arrived at our destination.

"Looks like we're here." I said to them.

As we stepped out of the elevator, I immediately noticed the mood change.

"Looks like everyone's really on edge down here." Gon said to us.

"Hello, please take your number badge, thank you." A short little green man in a suit said as he handed us a number badge.

As he handed me my badge number 406, he said, "be sure to where this on your chest at all times and make sure you don't lose it."

I nodded to him as I stuck the badge onto my chest.

Just then, one of the other participants called out to us, "Hi, haven't seen you guys before."

I looked over at who said that, an older shorter guy, number 16.

"You can tell it's our first time here?" Gon asked the guy.

"More or less." The guy said as he approached us.

He explained how it was getting easier, being that it was his 35th time taking the Hunter Exam.

He also introduced himself as Tonpa. Gon introduced us to him and he also told us that there's others who have tried taking the exam multiple times as well.

As I observed the crowd, I couldn't help but notice a certain someone, 'Hisoka,' I thought to myself as I spotted him. I had run into Hisoka a handful of times when I was still killing for my family. Every encounter wasn't pleasant but I think we had a mutual understanding of each other. We both knew each other's strength and held somewhat of a respect for one another, but still, 'I should keep an eye on him.'

Just then, I saw someone bump into him, he retaliated by taking the mans arms. The mans arms seemed to disappear into flower petals. I always thought his abilities were a bit magical, but I'd never admit that.

After Hisoka started walking away, he made direct eye contact with me, letting me know that he knew I was here. I sent him an evil glare back and shrugged him off.

As Tonpa was explaining how this had been Hisoka's second time taking the exam because he was disqualified last time for almost killing one of the examiners, I shook my head, 'sounds like Hisoka alright.'

"Anyway, no one likes the guy, I'd keep my distance if I were you." Tonpa said.

"He sure looks dangerous." Leorio said.

"Oh I almost forgot, here. Let's have a toast to friendship." Tonpa said as he handed us all a juice drink.

I took one look at it before I said, "Do you really think we'd fall for something like this?" I asked Tonpa with a scowl.

Then I looked over to see the other three had already opened and started drinking the juice. I sweat dropped at them.

Then I saw Gon's face change as he spilled out the drink from his mouth.

"F/n's right I think the juice has gone bad Mr. Tonpa, it tastes funny." Gon said.

After he said that, Leorio spat his drink out as well.

"Please forgive me I had no idea the juice was bad." Tonpa said as he begged for forgiveness.

I walked up to him and knelt down so that I could whisper, "Try anything else like that on my friends, and I'll kill you, do you understand?" I said with a venomous tone.

All Tonpa could do was nod his head rapidly as I stood back up.

"S-sorry again, I'll see you guys around." Tonpa said as he finally walked off.

'Wow, I never thought I'd ever get a chance to defend anyone else like that, much less refer to them as my friends...' I thought to myself.

Not long after, I heard a ringing sound come from up front. It sounded like an alarm. I looked up and saw that the wall in front of us had moved up, revealing a man in a suit.

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