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"Listen up, you have probably noticed that some of Trick Tower's prisoners are standing here before you. The hunter exam committee has also hired them on officially as examiners. In this phase you will be fighting against all six of them. The fights will be one on one with each person fighting only once. Use any style of fighting and let me make it clear there are no draws. Your opponent must admit defeat." Lippo said from a speaker that was in the room.

"Don't forget this is also majority rules, you must get 4 wins to pass." The prisoner continued to explain, "the rules are simple."

Lippo then went on to explain that their role was to simply buy time from us. The more time they bought, the more time they'd get cut from their prison sentence.

The prisoner who had removed his hood first was the first one up. Tonpa then stepped up and volunteered to be up first as well.

As the two stepped up, the prisoner declared a death match. Tonpa agree and the two got ready to fight. The air became tense as they got ready.

The prisoner said begin and as he went in for the first blow, Tonpa immediately gave up.

They only need to win 3 more rounds, our odds aren't bad but still.

As Tonpa came back, Leorio grabbed him and started yelling at him.

"Well even if we do lose this one, he didn't take up much time at all, probably a better move." I admitted reluctantly as I held back my irritation.

With that, Leorio let Tonpa go.

"Alright, now that that's settled, I'll go next. I'll secure us a win no matter who I'm up against. That way our odds will even out." I explained to them all as I got up.

The prisoners must have heard me as they sent out another big guy, the prisoner was let from his chains and took his hood off. He looked just like the last, big and burley with a few scars, should be a piece of cake.

Leorio took one look at the prisoner and immediately protested. "What! No way you're gonna fight that guy, he'll kill you!"

"We can't waste too much time. I only need 4 votes to go up against that guy. Who's voting me?" I asked the others.

Killua and Gon confidently said that I had their vote. I knew I could count on them, Kurapika also gave me his vote but he was a bit reluctant, and surprisingly Tonpa gave me his vote as well. Either he didn't underestimate me, or he wanted to see if I would get killed, either way worked in my favor.

"Alright looks like everyone but you." I said to Leorio as he scoffed a bit.

"Trust me Leorio," I told him confidently giving them a devilish smile, "I am not to be underestimated." I said to them all as I walked up.

As I stood in front of the Prisoner, he looked down at me and laughed. "What's a little thing like you doing taking the hunter exam? Sorry little one but you're dead. I propose a death match, the last one was so boring so I hope you'll make this fun." The prisoner told me.

"I accept." Is all I said with a flat tone.

The prisoner's bloodlust was very high, I suppose he was ready to watch the previous battle and was disappointed. However, my bloodlust is greater, if it means that I'll win this for my friends then I must win no matter what!

"Oh but no weapons, you see we don't get to use weapons here, so it's only fair." The prisoner said as he grinned.

"Very well." I said as I placed my sheathed sword down by my feet.

As I got ready to fight, I eyed my opponent and let just a sliver of my bloodlust show.

Only after the prisoner said begin however, did he feel it. I could tell that my bloodlust had taken him by surprise.

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