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"Excellent work everyone! The second phase will begin now here in the Visca Forest Park. So I shall now take my leave I wish you all the best of luck.

Just as Satotz left us, the walls into the second phase opened. The doors opening to reveal a girl with teal hair sitting on a couch and a huge guy sitting behind her. Between them and us were several cooking stations that I assumed were part of the exam.

They introduced themselves as Menchi and Buhara and they were both gourmet hunters! They said that they were the examiners for the second exam which was cooking!

Everyone seemed to laugh at this as I saw the girl, Menchi, becoming more and more irritated. "So you guys are both gourmet hunters, then what do you want us to make?" One of the other applicants asked.

"Buhara." Menchi said as Buhara stood up.

"Today's required ingredient will be pork! You'll use these cooking stations to prepare a meal. If you satisfy our appetites then you will pass. Let the second phase begin!" Buhara said as he patted his belly sending a gong like sound out.

I decided to stay with Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio. It didn't take long for us to find some huge pigs. As we saw them, we saw that they were chewing on bones.

"Don't tell me these pigs are carnivores?" Leorio said as they screamed and ran away from the heard of pigs.

I jumped up and into a tree as I observed everyone trying to fight the pigs but ultimately getting tossed by their huge snouts. I jumped down onto a pig, landing right on his forehead.

The fall was actually enough to kill the animal!

I picked up the huge pig with ease and took it back to the cooking stations before anyone else. As I passed everyone they seemed to give me a look of realization as they also were able to get more pigs.

Since I was the first one to make it back, I was the first one to start with the preping. I decided to cut the pig up and marinate it in some seasonings to enhance the flavor.

Then I roasted the pork until it was done just perfectly. This process took more time than I thought it would and before I was even finished, the other applicants had already come back and cooked their pigs.

Most of them from what I could see, just roasted the pig whole over a huge flame. This surely made it cook unevenly. Just as I thought, as the first few applicants presented their pigs, Menchi didn't even bother to eat them.

Even though Buhara ate every one and passed them all, Menchi had yet to even take a single bite.

I saw that everyone had failed and it was finally my turn. I had made sure to garnish my dish just a little to show some class. Menchi looked up quite surprised when she saw me.

"Finally something that looks appetizing." Menchi said as she took a bite of mine.

I waited patiently as I saw her reaction. She looked immediately surprised and from what I could tell she looked impressed.

Buhara and Menchi exchanged looks before she looked back at me. "Not only did your dish look appetizing, but you took your time to prepare the pork and season it with ingredients to highlight its flavor, something that every gourmet chef appreciates. What is your name?" Menchi asked me.

"F/n." I responded.

"Well f/n, you passed!" Menchi said as both her and Buhara gave me a passing sign.

I nodded with a small smile as I walked back to the others. The other applicants looked at me with jealousy.

"I think we're all done here. You all failed! Except for 406, f/n. The second exam is over!" Menchi spoke out to everyone.

I could tell everyone became furious at this.

"This is unacceptable, do you hear me? I will not accept this!" One of the applicants shouted.

"Say what you want but you still failed." Menchi said to the guy.

"Shut the hell up! You asked for pork and we gave it to you, we risked our lives-" The angered applicant continued to argue.

"Your challenge was to prepare a pork dish that we would both find delicious. All of you besides one even came close to succeeding." Menchi said in anger.

She kept yelling at the applicants who started bickering with her. 'Seems she's got quite a temper.' I thought to myself.

Just then as Menchi told one of the guys better luck next year, he got so furious that he had lunged at Menchi. I reacted quickly, stepping between them as I effortlessly kicked the guy in the stomach and sent him flying.

"Thanks, but I didn't need you to intervene." Menchi looked at me with irritation.

"If I hadn't, you would've killed him. Am I wrong?" I replied to Menchi. I had seen that look in her eye and I knew I was right.

"Hmph, you're absolutely right." She said as she gave me a smug grin, "you should thank her for saving your life." Menchi said to the guy that tried to attack her.

Just then a man's voice called out to us from a blimp that had the symbol of the hunter exam committee. An old man came flying down to us from the blimp and Menchi introduced him as chairman Netero the head of the exam committee.

Netero then explained to Menchi that the exam was unreasonable and said that in order for the exam to be more reasonable, Menchi must participate along side the applicants in the next challenge.

"I suppose you're right and I have just the thing for the new challenge. We will be making boiled eggs." Menchi said excitedly, "Chairman since I see you brought your blimp could you take us all to split mountain?" Menchi asked Netero.


Once we had arrived, Menchi had explained that everyone except for myself since I passed the first test, must grab an egg from the web that lay deep in the valley of Split Mountain.

Apparently these eggs are from an animal know as spider eagles and their eggs are one of the most difficult ingredients to acquire. They also have a name known as dream eggs.

Menchi demonstrated this as she walked off the edge. She fell down into the valley grabbing the spider eagle's web and waited. I could sense a sudden draft that came from the bottom of the ravine. This was a signal for Menchi to let go of the web, grabbing an egg on the way down, we all watched amazed as a strong wind lifted her right back up to the top.

I was amazed and quite impressed myself. She is a hunter, I thought to myself as I looked over at her.

After that, I saw Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio jump off the edge, they were followed by several other applicants as they dove down. Everyone caught the web and hung on. Some of the eager ones decided not to wait and immediately let go to their deaths.

As I saw the others waiting, I heard Gon say that they needed to wait. Everyone looked over at him for approval but the web started to give way from all the weight. This made some others jump before it was time.

"Ok now!" I heard Gon say as everyone let go and grabbed an egg.

I smiled as I saw everyone fly right back up with the wind.

"That looks fun, I want one." I said knowing full well the web above the eggs was gone. I still went for it as I walked off the edge I grabbed my sheathed sword and used it to stick into the side of the mountain as I grab the egg.

Everyone seemed impressed, especially the four boys, Menchi, and Netero.

"What about you guys? I'm guessing you quit?" Menchi said as I felt the breeze of the wind about to blow. I pulled my sword out from the mountain as I dove deeper into the ravine having the wind fly me back up.

As I flew up I couldn't help but laugh a bit, that was fun, something I never thought I'd get to say.

"You didn't have to go down there, f/n, why'd you do it?" Netero came up to me and asked.

"I'm not sure really, my body kinda moved on its own and I thought it looked fun." I said to him as I smiled a bit to myself. "Plus I couldn't pass up an opportunity to enjoy a dream egg, these are so good!" I said as I ate the delicious egg.

Menchi smiled at me and everyone else as we enjoyed our eggs.

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