
2K 52 20

Quick announcement!

Hello lovelies! I just wanted to say thanks for the votes and for the love! I've been a bit busy with school but I wanted to post a quick update.

I'm going to describe f/n (powers)

(Also feel free to ignore this if you'd like but it may better help understand your abilities)

Appearance: you can look however you choose however you have bandages that cover most of your limbs to conceal your scars.

Weapon: F/n main weapon is a katana although they don't use it unless they need to.

Nen: Your a specialist and your nen takes the forms of shadows. You can disappear into the shadows and reappear from other's shadows (basically hop from shadow to shadow). You use the shadows to reappear behind your enemies as well as taunt them.

Only your opponent(s) can hear and see your shadow illusions. This helps to taunt enemies and creates distractions.

This means you are much more powerful in the dark,  at night, etc.

Abilities: you are very fast and are incredibly strong.

Powerful ability: your sword disappears into the shadows where you can manipulate it and use it from any shadow.

Basically you're a badass!


Thanks again lovelies! I really wanted to post this because there is a fight scene coming up and I wanted to have a chapter explaining your powers and such before!

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