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***quick note!

Hello lovelies! Thank you guys so much for the support! Can't believe this story is already at over 100 reads!! You guys are so awesome! I hope you you all enjoy!:)


After finishing the third phase, we were outside of the tower at the very bottom, where we met Lippo the warden of Trick Tower and the examiner of the third phase.

He congratulated us for completing trick tower and told us that we would be completing the fourth phase on an island not far from where we were and after that would be the final phase.

Lippo then instructed us to draw lots for the next phase. He explained that we will be drawing lots for who we hunt and who hunts us. All the cards in the box we would be drawing from contained the number associated on each of our badges. He told us that we would be picking in the order that we completed the third phase.

After we all went up and picked a card, Lippo instructed us to take off the sticker which would reveal the number we hunt. He said that our objective was to steal our targets ID badge. This meant that we don't have to kill them however the method was up to us. Finally he explained to us that the badge of our specified target was worth 3 points your own badge is also worth three points and other badges are worth one point. To pass this phase, we must earn 6 points. If you pass, then you will move on to the final phase.

After explaining the next phase of the exam, we all boarded a boat that would take us to Zebel Island where this exam would take place.

The air was tense and just about everyone had already removed their badges.

It took us about two hours to get to the island. Once we got there, we were told that we would have seven days to get our six points and complete the phase.

We were to be let off the boat once again in the order completed in the third phase. We were all let off in an interval of every two minutes. This gave the first applicants an advantage as they could see their targets moves as they exited off the ship.

Finally it was my turn to go. I gave a small wave to everyone as they left. Everyone had already left besides Leorio  at this point so I waved to Leorio as I exited.

Finally I set off to find my target.

My target number was number 198 and if I remember correctly, he is one of the three brothers that were applicants. Lucky for me, it seemed that they all stuck together which would be much easier to track down than just one individual person. That being said, it will be tougher to take three guys on at once but I'm sure I can do it.

I'll just have to trail them for now...


Finally after a few days of hanging back I had my chance. I was following two of the three brothers for quite sometime without them suspecting anything. Then as I was following the two, I noticed that they found the third brother who I saw was trying to trail Killua.

What an idiot, it's not that easy to sneak up on Killua.

After being confronted by his brothers, the first guy that had been trying to trail Killua made a move that didn't phase Killua in the slightest. The guy had kicked Killua right in the stomach and sent him flying back a bit, however it seemed to have no effect on him. He even managed to grab the guys badge however as I suspected it was number 198, my target.

After that exchange, the three brothers all decided to challenge Killua by getting in somewhat of a formation. 'Idiots.' I thought as I giggled to myself a bit. I could tell though that I wasn't the only one spectating them. There was someone else here.

I made sure to stay hidden as I continued to watch Killua. As I suspected, Killua in a blink of an eye was able to trick the three with his incredible speed as he took on one of the brothers, he got behind him kicking out his leg and held his sharpened nails to the mans neck.

"Don't move okay?" Killua said to the guy who was trembling fiercely as he searched for his badge.

The badge that he found was number 197. Then he called over to third guy and asked if he was number 199. The guy admitted and proceeded to toss Killua his badge.

"Thank you. Now then for the ones I don't need." Killua said before throwing the two badges in opposite directions. The throw was quite powerful and if I wasn't quick enough it'd surely be a pain to go after it later. What I also noticed was that Killua had managed to switch the badges right before he through them.

'Damn, he probably felt that guy's presence and wanted to trick him.' I thought to myself knowing full well that I wasn't the one who he had sensed. I also knew that the other guy had to have fallen for his trick.

With that, I used my speed and agility to quickly catch the other badge number 197, the one that the other guy most likely needed.

Killua had disappeared from the scene as he wished the others guys luck on finding their badges. Little did they know they wouldn't be finding them at all. I smiled to myself as I went back to the other guy who I'm sure had caught the badge I needed.

I found him standing in a clearing holding up badge 198. I also assumed he had just realized that he had fallen for Killua's trick.

"So you fell for his trick, hm?" I called out to the guy.

The guy who's name I believe is Hanzo, was bald and I could tell that he was quite powerful. I thought it'd probably be best to strike a deal with him for now.

The guy had turned around and looked over to me. I could tell he didn't know I was there.

"What do you mean? And who are you exactly?" He asked me with a bit of irritation in his voice.

"None of that quite matters now but if you'd like to know I saw you go after my badge so I thought we could make a trade." I said as I gave the guy a sly smile and held up the badge I had.

"This is your target's badge correct? Number 197? I'll trade you this badge for 198." I said to the Hanzo as he stared at the badge closely.

"That's right. Okay then fine I'll give you 198 in exchange for 197." Hanzo responded.

I nodded my head before walking over to him. As we exchanged badges, I let just a sliver of my bloodlust show telling him that I was serious and not one to be messed with.

He gulped a bit as I simply gave him a small and innocent smile before saying, "nice doing business with you, good luck." I said as I took my badge and disappeared.

Finally I got my six points! I said to myself as I went to try and find the others.


It was already the morning of day seven of phase 4 of the hunter exam. I wasn't able to find anyone so I had decided to just wait for them by the finish.

As I headed to the starting point, I noticed a few others heading there as well.

As we arrived, a girl started to announce everyone's name to show their points and confirm that they passed. Once I arrived she called me, "number 406 Ms. f/n!" She said as I held up my badge along with my target's badge.

I had started to get worried when I only saw Killua there with me.

"Hey Killua, have you seen Gon or any of the others?" I greeted him before asking but he shook his head telling me he hadn't seen him either.

Just then the girl said, "three more! You sure are cutting it close, aren't you?" She said with a cheery smile as she announced Gon, Leorio and Kurapika.

"So these 10 applicants have passed the 4th phase of the exam!" The girl cheered as she finished announcing everyone.

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