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I looked over and saw Gon. He had walked in without a word and looked around before walking over to Illumi. He looked at him before saying, "Apologize to Killua."

I knew then that Gon was filled in on what had happened after he passed out. And he was angry.

"What for?" Illumi asked Gon without looking at him.

"You aren't qualified to be his big brother." Gon said with a stern tone.

"I'm sorry I didn't know I had to qualify." Illumi said before Gon grabbed his wrist and threw him over his head.

Illumi landed on his feet gracefully before Gon said, "Friends don't have to either, he gets to choose."

I noticed that Gon had tightened his grip so tight, i was sure he'd broken it. Gon wasn't just angry, he was furious.

Gon then demanded that Illumi take him to go see Killua. Illumi then told Gon that Killua had left of his own free will. But Gon argued that Killua had been manipulated by Illumi, if not for him none of this would have happened.

"We were just discussing that very subject, Gon. In fact, y/n, Kurapika and Leorio have all large complaints. The committee has been reviewing the fairness of Killua's disqualification." Netero said before Kurapika and Leorio spoke up.

All I could do was simply nod along with them.

Netero then explained that even with that, it was all speculation and there was no solid proof. From what we had seen, Killua had no direct orders to commit murder and there is no sure tell that Killua was under any type of hypnosis.

After that, Pokel spoke up bringing up the subject of Kurapika's match against Hisoka. As everyone kept arguing, all I could think about was Killua. I could tell that Gon was thinking the same.

"This is pointless." I heard Gon whisper. Before he said it again but loud enough to get everyone's attention.

I grinned at the simple-minded boy as he explained to Illumi that if he really had been forcing Killua to murder people against his will, then he would never forgive him. And once we rescued Killua, he would never let Illumi see him ever again.

I then saw as Illumi reached a hand out to touch Gon to which he jumped back and I immediately stood up readying myself.

I could feel the tension in the air before Netero cleared his throat and said that that's enough, we should continue.

Everyone sat back down as we continued the orientation.

I could barely pay attention however as my mind stayed on Killua. I was worried about him, something I had never really felt before now, it left a pit in my stomach and I started to feel anxious. I hated it.

After the orientation, all eight of us were now certified as licensed hunters.

It surprised me a bit how all of that didn't quite matter to me in this very moment. After we were free to go, I saw Gon immediately find Illumi and demanded that he tell him where he could find Killua.

I followed Gon and noticed that Kurapika and Leorio were right behind me. I felt better knowing that our friends were going to help us get Killua back.

After that, Illumi said that Killua probably just went back home which was at the summit of Kukuroo Mountain. With that, Gon turned to leave and we all followed him.

We were able to look up where exactly Kukuroo Mountain was and discovered that it would take us three day to reach by airship. Without further ado, we ordered the tickets so that we could leave today.

After calling a taxi, we had no choice but to wait in the long line of traffic that was on our way to the airport. As our impatience grew, I simply couldn't take it any longer.

"Come on guys we aren't getting anywhere like this." I said as I threw open my door.

I started to run alongside Gon on the side of the road with Kurapika and Leorio trailing behind us.

"Hey do you know how far the airport is?" Leorio called out to us.

"Sure, but we wanna get to Killua as soon as humanly possible!" Gon shouted with a smile.

It's as if everyone's mood was lifted as we all ran towards the airport.

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates but I'm finally home from school so I'll have much more time to update this! Thanks so much for all the reads and the support from you all has not gone unnoticed and has inspired me to keep writing! Although these are a bit of filler chapters, I wanted to do a double update for you guys as I work on more chapters!

Thank you all so much again and I hope you enjoy!

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