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Hello my loves!

I can't believe this story is already at over 600 reads! Thank you all so much for the love! I'm so happy many of you are enjoying this story! Real quick I apologize for the slow updates school has gotten quite stressful but I will be working on some chapters this weekend. Anyway please like and comment and I hope you enjoy <3


After I was declared the winner, I was back with the others who looked at me in a bit of shock.

I felt a bit troubled with the whole fight and I think the others noticed it.

"Congrats f/n, that was really cool!" Gon said to me as he gave me a thumbs up.

I simply nodded at him.

"F/n, is everything okay?" Kurapika asked. He was always pretty perceptive.

"Yeah, it's just...well that's the first time that I've used my sword since I ran away. It's actually the first time I've used the sword myself." I said to them as I was deep in thought.

"What do you mean?" Leorio asked me as he seemed concerned as well.

"I mean, I was always told who to use this sword on and I've never used it other than that." I said to them all, "but don't worry about it, it all worked out besides Gon you're up next right?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah." Gon said as he looked a nervous.

I quickly grabbed his shoulder which caught his attention, "good luck, you've got this." I said to him with a thumbs up and a smile.

He seemed to loosen up a bit as he returned the gesture. I knew if I were in his shoes he'd do the same for me. All I can do is hope he'll be okay against Hanzo.

"Alright now time to start, begin!" The ref called out. As soon as he said that, Gon took off trying to keep some distance between him and Hanzo.

Hanzo however was fast enough to keep up with Gon, faster even. I watched as Hanzo attacked Gon by striking him in the back of the head. Gon fell to the floor and I could tell he was caught off guard.

Hanzo then went over to pick him up. He warned Gon and told him to just give up. However, if I knew Gon, I know he'd never give up that easily.

"That's never gonna happen!" Gon shouted before Hanzo punched him again.

"Gon, don't push it. You still have other fights so just-" Leorio called out to Gon before getting interrupted.

"Leorio, if you were in Gon's position, would you give up?" Kurapika asked Leorio.

"Hell no I wouldn't." Leorio admitted.

"Gon feels the same." I told Leorio who shrugged in response.

I could feel the two, along with myself becoming more aggravated. 'Ugh, I know I could never tell Gon to give up, but still he's no match for Hanzo, not right now..." I thought to myself as I gripped my katana scabbard (scabbard: sheath or case for a katana...hoping I used that right).

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