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After the others had finished, we headed to a waiting room that held a couple couches, books, a desk, and even a television. On the wall was a timer for 50 hours. Time that we had lost for this test.

You see after Kurapika's fight, his opponent wasn't dead but merely was just knocked out, and Kurapika refused to fight a loser. While waiting, Leorio started to gamble our time that we had left for the exam.

During this, Kurapika's opponent admitted to being awake and ultimately admitted defeat. As for Leorio's match, he managed to loose us 50 hours due to his pervertedness. Killua won his round quite easily though.

Killua was up against a huge mass murderer. I knew he would win easily, but I hadn't expected he would take the guys heart out so precisely.

"Hey Killua can you explain to me how that technique works." Kurapika asked Killua.

"Hm? What do you mean technique?" Killua replied to him.

"The one that you used to instantly remove his heart." Kurapika said.

"Oh that, well it wasn't a technique really, I just ripped it out. To be honest I did manipulate my body some, made it a lot easier." Killua said as he sharpened the nails on his hands. They look sharper than a knife.

Everyone was a bit surprised but Killua explained how mass murderers may talk big but they are just amateurs. By now everyone knew that Killua's family were all elite assassins so they all simply nodded a bit.

We had about two days of time to spend in the room so we all made ourselves comfortable.

It wasn't long until Tonpa and Leorio started bickering about the time that we had lost.

"Stop arguing about it you two, there's nothing we can do about it now. After our time is up we'll have less that 10 hours to make our way to the bottom of this tower. Our odds are slim, however it only depends on how we handle the trials to come. For now we should all just get some rest, there won't be a second to waste once we can continue."

Everyone nodded in agreement before a skateboard came flying and went right passed my face. I sweat dropped a bit as my originally calm expression turned into irritation.

I looked over to see Gon sweat dropping and rubbing the back of his head. "Gon this room is too small for skateboarding didn't you hear me we should all get some rest!" I scolded the boy.

Everyone kinda chuckled a bit at that and I brushed off the incident and sat down myself.

"Hey f/n something's been on my mind lately." Leorio said to me as I looked over at him.

"What's that?" I asked him.

"Well I was wondering, what's your past with Hisoka? It seems like you two know each other and before your fight, I didn't think it possible that'd you have anything to do with a scary guy like him but now I'm not so sure." Leorio finished.

"Oh that's right, I guess I haven't gotten a chance to tell you guys," I started as I spoke up a bit so everyone could hear, "I am a member of the l/n family." I said to them.

"Who is the l/n family exactly?" Leorio asked me before Kurapika cut in.

"Wait but isn't that the family that you said that you wanted to destroy?" Kurapika asked me.

I nodded before continuing, "that's right I guess you don't know who they are, they're good about being quiet, only professional hunters know that we even exist. You see the l/n family are some of the most cold hearted criminals and murderers, they're also some of the strongest." I explained as I got up.

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