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"I apologize for the delay, thank you for waiting. The entry period for hunter applicants has closed. Without further ado, the Hunter Exam will now begin. I ask thay you simply follow me." The man who I assumed was our examiner said to us.

After that he turned around and began walking. As everyone started following him, I noticed that his pace had began to pick up.

"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Satotz and I am the official examiner for the first phase of the exam. It is my responsibility to lead you to the second phase." Satotz said to all of us.

"So this is the first phase, an endurance test it seems. This could be both a test of one's physical and mental strength alright." I said to the others.


It's been more than two hours since the exam has started. And as most of the other applicants struggled a bit to keep up I still hadn't broken a sweat. Just then I saw Leorio had started arguing with a kid who was on a skateboard.

The kid looked to be the same age as Gon and I. The kid slowed his skateboard down to match mine and Gon's pace.

"Hey how old are you guys?" The kid asked us.

"F/n and I are both 12 years old." Gon said.

"That's the same as me. I think I'll run for a while." The kid said to us as he got off his skateboard.

Gon looked happy to see another kid our age here.

I smiled a bit to myself as well.

"My names Killua." The kid said introducing himself.

"I'm Gon." Gon said giving him a toothy grin.

"My names f/n". I said in a calm tone.

As we continued following the examiner, I noticed that quite a few of the other applicants have already given up. I also noticed that Leorio had stopped too.

When I noticed this, I also noticed that Gon had stopped as well.

"Hey forget about him we gotta keep moving." Killua said to Gon.

The three of us waited there for him before Leorio got back up and started running.

"Damn it all! I'm gonna become a hunter no matter what!" Leorio hollered as he ran right past us.

I gave a sigh and a small smile as I saw Gon use his fishing pole to grab Leorio's forgotten briefcase that he had dropped.

"That was awesome! Can I try that later?" Killua asked as we started running to catch up to the others.

"Sure, but only if you let me try your skateboard." Gon replied to Killua.

I couldn't help but give a small chuckle. This made both of the boys heads turn to look at me. 'These two are something else.' I thought to myself.

As we started catching up, Killua spoke up, "Hey I got an idea let's race to the finish to see who's faster."

"Sure okay but the loser has to buy dinner." Gon replied.

"You're on!" Killua said accepting his offer.

"I guess, I was getting kinda bored anyway." I said to the two.

They nodded their head before we said in unison, "Ready, go!"

As we started picking up speed, I overheard Leorio and Kurapika's conversation. Kurapika explained how the Kurta clan was wiped out because of their scarlet eyes and Leorio explained how he wished to have enough money to become a doctor so that he treat people for free so that they don't have to die like his friend did.

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