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It had taken a while before Gon had woken up. In fact, everyone's matches were over and now we were sitting in a room with Netero as he gave us our licenses.

I could sense the tension in the air after what we just witnessed. After watching the effect that Illumi had on Killua, I wasn't surprised about what had transpired.

After Gon was knocked out, we had begun the next match, although it didn't quite end the way I had anticipated. It was Kurapika against Hisoka.

After the two of them had been fighting for a while, I saw Hisoka make a move that surprised us all, I always knew he was quick, but I also could have sworn that I saw Hisoka whisper something to Kurapika. What made it noticeable too was how Kurapika tensed up after what Hisoka had told him...it must've been meaningful if it had left such an impact on Kurapika.

What also shocked me was that immediately after that exchange, Hisoka conceded voluntarily. Making Kurapika the winner.

The next match was Hanzo vs Pokel. This match I was not surprised as I observed Pokel to not be a match for Hanzo. In fact, he was in a similar situation as Gon, however Pokel gave up immediately.

Next up, was a match between Hisoka and Boruro. Again, I was not surprised as the match was very one-sided with Hisoka maintaining the upper hand throughout the fight. Boruro had refused to give in until Hisoka whispered something in his ear, making Boruro surrender.

The match after was between Killua and Pokel, however Killua walked away as soon as it began. Killua said that he simply wasn't interested in fighting him.

That left Killua to fight Gittarackur since Boruro was still recovering from his last match with Hisoka.

Even though this Gittarackur made me uneasy, I did not expect what was going to happen next.

As Killua approached his opponent, Gittarackur took out the pins from his face making his whole appearance change.

After Killua said it was his big brother, I immediately put my guard up. I knew one of Killua's family members was no joke.

Killua's older brother, who's real name is Illumi, said that their mother was worried about Killua being out on his own. He also mentioned how proud she was that Killua had stabbed her, saying that she was so proud to see him growing up.

I expected as much from a family of skilled assassins.

After that, I heard Illumi tell Killua that he was not cut out to be a hunter and that he was born for only one purpose, to be an assassin.

I couldn't help but become a bit irritated at his words. I kinda felt empathy towards Killua, after all my family thought of me the same. They didn't care what I wanted to become or what I wanted to do.

Illumi went even further, saying that Killua's a puppet of darkness who desires nothing nor wishes for anything and that the only pleasure he seeks is from causing death because that how him and his dad raised him.

Killua denied him, however saying that even he wants something. Though when Illumi asked, he couldn't quite find the right words.

Killua then said that he wants to be friends with Gon and I and that he's sick of killing people.

Illumi said that that's impossible, he said that Killua was incapable of friendship. The only thing that he can do is discern whether or not he can kill them. You don't really desire their friendship, and even if you do stay close to them, one day you'll end up killing them.

After Illumi said that, I had stopped listening to his words. At this point I was so furious, my knuckles that held onto my sword had turned white and I was biting my tongue so hard I tasted blood.

"You're wrong." I whispered to myself.

Kurapika and Leorio looked over at me before they both stepped back a bit.

"You're wrong." I said loud enough for the two to hear me.

Illumi had stopped in his tracks and looked over to me.

I glared back at him for a moment before I heard Leorio speak up. He said that I was right and that both Gon and I already considered him a friend.

Illumi asked if that was true and Leorio responded right away saying that of course it was true. Then Illumi said that he would kill us himself.

I grinned a bit at that before saying to him in a malicious tone, "I'd like to see you try." Before I reached for my sword.

Everyone got a shiver from my words before I noticed the refs started to approach me. I put my guard back down irritated that I couldn't intervene.

But then I heard Illumi ask where he could find Gon. I immediately tensed up and before I knew it, Illumi started walking away. A ref went up to him trying to explain that the match was not yet over but Illumi threw those needles at him, making him give away where Gon was resting.

It was a blink of an eye but just like that, I appeared in front of Illumi.

I also noticed footsteps behind me, it was Kurapika and Leorio and to my surprise Hanzo as well. I smiled to myself contently as they stood in front of the door to the waiting room Gon was in.

Illumi said what a pain this situation was then said that he'll pass the exam and then he'd kill Gon and I.

"I would like to see you try. Sorry Killua, but if your brother continues to threaten you and Gon, then I will cut him down. I don't give a damn about my hunter license, you won't be hurting my friends." I said to Illumi with a venomous tone as I held my sword.

Illumi then asked that if he were to pass the exam, he could kill everyone in this room and still keep his license. Netero said that according to the rules, that was correct.

I growled a bit as I saw Illumi face Killua once more. I could feel the fear that Illumi had created for Killua. I knew that no matter what we say now, it was no use. Killua was under Illumi's control.

Killua then said that he admits defeat.

Illumi's whole attitude changed then as he said that he lied and that he wouldn't kill Gon, that it was only a test to see what he was made of. And he said that Killua was not qualified to make friends.

This guy fooled everyone, including me. However I saw the look in Killua's eyes. He wasn't the same. Illumi had just crushed Killua entirely, just by using his words. He looked drained.

After that, I tried to speak to Killua but it was not use. He simply wouldn't respond.

Finally, the next match was between Boruro and Leorio but as soon as the match started, I saw Killua appear behind Boruro and in a flash, Killua killed him.

Killua was immediately disqualified after that and he left.

I wish I could've immediately gone after him. But I knew that alone it was no use, I needed him to be there too.

I was thinking this while we were getting our licenses, then I heard the door open.

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