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Hi lovelies! Quick note here, sorry this chapter is quite long but I've been really wanting to keep up with this story so I hope you all enjoy! :))


After we finished the second exam, the remaining applicants including myself all boarded chairman Netero's airship.

He spoke to us all, introducing himself to us. His secretary told us that we will be arriving at the sight for the next exam tomorrow at 8 in the morning. He also said we could do as we please until they contact us.

Gon and Killua decided to go explore the airship as they still had so much energy.

"F/n, you coming?" Gon asked.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." I told them.

The two nodded before they dashed off to go explore. Leorio and Kurapika decided to get some rest while I decided to take a walk by myself around the airship as I wasn't quite tired yet.


As I was walking around I overheard Gon and Killua laughing about how the city looks.

"Oh, hey guys." I called out to the two.

The two boys both seemed to light up when they saw me, "hey f/n!" They both said.

The three of us sat down as as Gon asked Killua where his parents were. Killua then went on to explain how he comes from a family of assassins.

"Ah I thought your name sounded familiar," I said to him.

"What do you mean?" Killua asked me.

"Killua Zoldyck a member of the Zoldyck family of assassins. I've heard about you." I said to him.

"That's right, I come from a family of assassins but I don't want my life mapped out for me that sounds so boring! When I told this to my mother she started crying hysterically, what kind of nonsense is that. When I left for the exam I slashed my mom across the face and stabbed my brother. Now they're most likely out for blood." Killua finished.

Gon just listened and smiled through the whole thing but I listened intently. "Wow you're just like me." I said more to myself but I guess the two had heard me.

The two looked at me with a puzzled look. "What about you f/n, where's your family?" Gon asked me.

"Well much like Killua, I was only born to be used as a weapon to murder anyone and everyone that my family said to kill. My full name is f/n l/n and I belong to a family of criminals and murderers, that's why I've heard of Killua and his family and why I've run into Hisoka and the phantom troupe before. You see my family, they're much more private than Killua's and much more quiet than the phantom troupe. Only the more experienced hunters know our names or that we even exist." I explained.

"I understand what you mean Killua, I too don't want my fate to be decided for me. Even if it means I must become the very thing my family hates and to even kill them, I will do so for my freedom. You see I ran away from them only a couple of weeks before the start of the exam. And I have no doubt in my mind that they know. I'm scared that they will come for me and take me back. But I want to be free and I want to have fun with friends, I don't want to do their bidding any longer." I said to them as I started to tear up.

"There's no need to worry f/n. Even if they come to take you away, we won't let them! You're our friend after all!" Gon said and Killua nodded as they both gave me reassuring smiles.

"Thank you guys." I said as I smiled genuinely at the two of them with relief. This made both the boys blush madly and as they tried to cover it I laughed a bit.

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