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Quick note!

Hello loves!! I can't believe already at over 200 reads and as a thanks this part is a bit longer! I'm so grateful for all the votes and I hope you all continue to enjoy!:))


After we had all finished and passed the 4th phase of the hunter exam, we all boarded back onto Netero's airship.

Apparently I heard that Netero wanted to interview each of us alone.

As we were called one by one, Netero asked us three questions to which he claimed wasn't part of the last test in the exam but was to merely satisfy his curiosity.

Once it was my turn, I went in and greeted Netero before sitting down in front of him awaiting his questions.

He asked me, "why do you want to be a hunter?" Netero asked.

"I want to be free from my past and help people. I would also like to become strong enough to destroy the l/n family." I said truthfully.

"I see, next question. Out of the other 9 applicants which one are you keeping a close eye on." He asked me.

It took me a second to consider all the applicants before answering, "well all of them seem really strong if I'm being honest but I'm definitely keeping an eye on 44 and 99 also 405." I responded to Netero.

"Oh I see, hm? Well now my last question, which of the 9 applicants would you least want to fight." Netero asked me.

"Hm, I wouldn't want to fight any of my friends, but if I needed to I could. They're all strong and they would all make worthy opponents." I stated.

"Thank you very much, that will be all." Netero said as I got up to leave.


After everyone spoke with Netero, I had met up with Gon and Kurapika. It seems that Kurapika and I had sensed that Gon was acting strange and we both had the idea to check on him.

After Kurapika asked Gon if anything had happened in the 4th phase, Gon told us everything, how his target was Hisoka and although he was able to take his badge, he had gotten caught by someone who was watching him. Hisoka in turn got that guy and gave Gon his badge back along with his own. Gon didn't accept it however, Hisoka had punched him and sent him flying he knew then that he was no match for Hisoka.

After Gon explained everything, I couldn't help but noticed that he started crying. I could tell he was upset with himself and that he felt helpless.

I looked and Kurapika before giving him a nod. I went over and pat Gon on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. There's very few people that can go up against Hisoka but the fact that you faced him willingly and head on too, that takes a lot of guts Gon." I said in as calm of a voice I could muster. If I'm honest, I was angry at Hisoka. But my mood lightened a bit when I saw Gon quickly wipe his tears away and laugh it off a bit.

He explained that he was miserable because he had realized that he was weak and he felt so lonely that he wanted to find someone he could help. That's why he had found Leorio and Kurapika.

Kurapika thanked Gon and admitted that without him both himself and Leorio wouldn't have made it this far.

Gon said he had felt the same way and thanked us too. If I'm being honest, I felt the same too in a way. I know I would have made it through the exam just fine but if I hadn't met Gon and the others, I don't think I'd have the desire to help people nearly as much. At least, I don't think I'd want to do that if they hadn't rubbed off on me.

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