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We had just made it to the airport in time before we got on our flight. By the time we took off, the sun had set in the sky and all I could do was stare out the window in deep thought before I fell asleep.


By the time I woke up, it was morning and we had just made it to the Republic of Padokea where Kukuroo Mountain was located.

After we boarded off our flight, we took a train to a near by town where we found a bus and a tour guide to take us up to Kukuroo Mountain.

While we were on the tour bus, I noticed that there were two guys that clearly did not look like tourists. They also didn't seem to be a threat but I still chose to keep my guard up.

After we had gotten a bit closer to the mountain, we were greeted by a huge wall that encompassed the whole forest that was around the base at the mountain. We finally stopped and got off at the huge gate that would lead us inside the forest.

"Well I'm not surprised, Killua's family is pretty well know unlike mine, I'm guessing they need this security to keep their privacy." I thought to myself as I glanced up at the gate.

Our tour guide informed us that this gate was the entrance to the Zoldyck family estate and to enter we have to go through the door next to the security post. But beyond this gate was private property so this was as far as we could go.

After that, I couldn't help but notice those guys from earlier. They approached the little security post where an older gentleman whom I'm guessing is the security guard was sitting inside. They grabbed the man and demanded that he open up the gate.

The old man denied saying that the master would not be pleased however one of the guys said that they would go kill his master anyway, so the old man gave him the key to the door before they threw him down.

"Kill the head of the Zoldyck family? Yeah, good luck with that." I thought to myself before running over to the old man.

"Are you alright?" I said before Gon and I helped the guy up.

"Yes. I'm fine." The old man said before I heard the door to our side shut after those guys entered.

I heard the old man let out a sigh before saying, "Oh no, the master hates it when Mike snacks between meals."

I looked at the old guy curiously before screams bellowed from the other side of the gate. It seems like those guys from just now met Mike.

That was confirmed as the door opened up revealing a huge purple hand that dropped two skeletons on the ground. Everyone screamed and ran back to the bus while we just stayed there. They all looked at us like we were crazy but they took off anyway.

After we explained our situation to the old man he nodded in understanding.

"Ah I see, so you're young Killua's friends. I'm happy to hear it." The old man said before he continued.

He said that he had been working here for the past twenty years and to the best of his recollection, we were the first friends who had ever come to visit. He admitted to us that the place was pretty lonely since no one ever really visits. He said that he was glad we were here and thanked us for coming.

"However, that doesn't mean I'm going to be able to let any of you inside. You saw it earlier too, right? How huge the beast's arm was? That arm belongs to Mike and that's the Zoldyck's watch dog. He only obeys the family and will attack anyone else. I can't let you in, I wouldn't want friends of Killua to be stripped down to skeletons." The old man said with a chuckle.

"But how are you safe here? I mean you do have a key so I'm guessing you can go inside too, correct?" I asked the old man inquisitively.

"Hm, that's very perceptive of you. However, you are only half right." The old man answered me before he took out the key from his pocket.

He explained to us that that key is for intruders only. And then I had an idea.

"As you probably just realized, I'm not a security guard, I merely clean up after Mike." The man said.
"So the front gate isn't actually locked is it?" I asked the man before he gave a sly grin and confirmed it.

We all went to the front of the gate again as Leorio stepped up to try to open it but it didn't budge one bit as he tried frantically to push it open. We all sweat dropped watching him struggle.

"Ugh I've tried everything! Are you sure the gate's not locked?" Leorio question tiredly.

"I'm afraid you're just not strong enough." The old man said.

"Shut up!" Leorio hollered as I chuckled a bit.

"Step back and watch." The old man said before he took off his tie and jacket to reveal a quite muscular build.

"This gate is officially known as the testing gate. Those who are not strong enough to open it is considered unworthy of entering the Zoldyck estate." The old man said as he put his arms out and focused his nen.

He place both his hands on the gate before pushing the first one open!

"Well I wasn't expecting that." I said to myself as my mouth dropped a bit along with everyone else.

The man stepped back and the gate closed automatically. So if we were to open them, we'd have to slip inside quickly. The old man also explained to us that if we entered through the testing gates, we wouldn't have to worry about Mike as he has orders to not attack anyone who enters through them.

"I should mention that each of Gate One's doors weighs two tons." The old man said nonchalantly.

"Wait, Gate one?" Leorio questioned.

"There are seven gates in all and when you go through a gate, the weight doubles. The number of gates that open depends on the amount of strength you use. When Killua returned, he was able to push through gate one all the way through gate three. The old man explained.

"Three! That's like 12 tons!" Gon shouted.

"It's 16 tons, Gon." I corrected him as Kurapika and I sweat dropped.

"I don't like this. Lend me the key. There's no way I'll be able to get through these doors. I came here to see my friend, not to be tested." Gon said.

"Unfortunately, I cannot lend you this key. I will not feed young Killua's friends to Mike. Well, please wait here for a minute." The old man said before entering the security post.

The man picked up a phone and made a call. I could hear him explain that we were friends of Killua and that we wanted to see him. However, the conversation didn't go well as I heard the man who was named Zebro apologizing to whoever was on the other end for disturbing them.

Zebro told us that he just spoke to the Zoldyck family's butler. He explained that all communication with the mansion must go through him. It's not easy to reach the family directly.

Gon then asked if he could speak with him on the phone.

Once again, we were told that we could not meet with Killua. At least that's what I gathered as I saw Gon walk away from the phone and back towards the gate.

"He's really pissed, isn't he?" Leorio asked and I nodded in agreement.

"I think he's going to climb over the wall." Kurapika said before wouldn't ya know it, I heard Gon's fishing line go over the wall as he used it as a makeshift grappling hook.

"Hey Gon, stop that!" Leorio hollered out to him.

"It's ok. You guys can wait here. I'm going in by myself." Gon responded as he concentrated on getting up the wall.

All I could do was sweat drop as they continued to argue.

"Both of you need to calm down." Kurapika said, failing at his attempt to ease the situation.

I sighed before I walked over to them.

"Gon, step back please." I said to the boy who begrudgingly obeyed my requested as he stepped away from the gate.

Everyone gave me a curious look before I focused my nen into my hands and with all my strength I pushed at the gates.

Finally I have an update for you guys! I love you all and it makes me so happy to see so many of you are enjoying this story so far! I apologize for the slow updates once again but there will be more soon! I hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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