Chapter 8

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If aunty thinks, let alone believes that I will let Sebe go she's got another thing coming. There's this thing about her, she's got this welcoming presence about her but she's not into me. I kind of picked that up from her attitude towards me, we need to change that.

I need to get information about her. Facebook details, instagram and stuff. A beauty like that has to be on instagram!

My phone rings and it's my mom


I say answering, she giggles

"Hey honey. Unjani?"(how are you?"

"I'm good mama, ninjani nina? Uphi utata?" (How are you? Where's dad?)

She chuckles, I think its the part where I ask about dad that tickles her

"We good too baby thank you. Your father is in the room. So tell me about her"

She demands sounding all excited

"About who now?"

I ask confused

"Don't act smart. You know exactly who I'm talking about"

I chuckle

"Let's just say I might be going to church this coming Sunday"

Mom laughs

"Oh is it now? That cute huh?"

She asks

"You know she is mom. Yoh umhle mama. Qah akandifuni" (she's very pretty, except she wants nothing to do with me)

I say with a little disappointment at the thought of her attitude towards me today. I kind of got the feeling that she doesn't really like me much and I can't argue with that. I get that I haven't given her reason to like me considering the way we met but come on, can't she give a guy a chance?

"Its Gods plan baby. Its about to get really bumpy from hereon"

She warns, I'm astonished

"What do you mean mom?"

I ask, I'm really confused right now. She sighs

"Gugu there's a war coming your way. Getting with this girl won't be easy my baby"

She says sounding a little down

"What are you talking about mom, she's saved mos"

I ask, I'm unsure though but I think she might be. I mean she was in church the other day

"Look, going to church doesn't automatically mean you saved honey. Look I don't know her personally but you Gugu need to change your ways before they catch up with you and harm her"

She warns, I don't know what to say. What's mom talking about?

"Mom what are you talking about?"

I ask

"Goodbye baby. Talk tomorrow"

She says and ends the call without even waiting for me to say goodbye. I try calling her again but reach her voicemail, mom and these tendencies of her. I mentally bang my head against my hand. Wow!

Sakhile walks in

"Let's go to the park, the squad is there having a couple of drinks"

He says, I don't know about getting drunk here.

"I don't know, and come home drunk? You know how your mother can get. She'll wake us up with prayer saying we demon possessed and that we disrespectful, we're a disgrace to the church"

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