Chapter 4

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I pretend not hear him I have my earphones on moc so nawe he probably thinks I can't hear him


He shouts I can hear he's close, he takes of one of my earphones I look at him

"I've been calling you"

He says flashing a smile why is he smiling?


I say then back to my phone texting Bulo

"Hhaybo Sebe"

I look at him

"Yini?" (What?)

He frowns

"I said I'll take you to the park angithi that's why I'm here"

"Did I say we'll go?"

He scratches his head

"Well not exactly "

"Exactly "

I say and he sighs

"Hi hi"

It's Bulo and I can't help but scream phela I haven't seen her for decades so excuse us

"I missed you"

She says breaking the hug

"I missed you more"

"Well I see what's been keeping you from seeing me"

She says looking at Sabelo I thought he left

"Hhay no no I've been busy with work"

She smirks

"I believe you my friend "

She says winking and I can't help but laugh

"Let's go"

I say putting my phone away

"And him?"

She says pointing Sabelo with her head

"Ngaworry ngam, Sebe I'll see you around neh"

I just nod and he walks away

"You didn't have to be that cold"

Bulo says as we look at Sabelo driving away

"Why do I have to entertain him?"

She rolls her eyes

"Isn't it obvious? The hottest guy at school wants you friend and he's the first guy to ever ask you out and trust me you very lucky that a guy like him is asking you out"

I look at her

"What do you mean I'm lucky?"

She laughs

"Don't be so defensive, remember the first guy to ask me out?"

Instead of answering her I laugh yooh the guy was a nyaope boy not that I'm judging him but I remember how annoyed Bulo would be whenever we bump into him not bump but he'd wait for us by the gate everyday after school just to walk Bulo home it was cute but hilarious at the same time.

"You see my point?"

I nod

"Yeah I get you but that doesn't mean I'll give him a chance"

"Hhayvo Sebe I thought we were making progress"

I laugh

"Have you forgotten that he used to bully me?"

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