Chapter 16

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Maybe I didn't give Sebe a choice as I should have but its what's best and not that Mbali is a second option or whatever but for now, Sebe is out of the picture and nothing but a friend I've kissed before. Mom reckons I made the right choice for now but I don't know how I feel about my choice. Sebe left and now I'm just left chatting with Mbali on Whatsapp and she promises to come see me tomorrow since she couldn't see me today. I'm worried about Sebe, I shouldn't be but I am. Dating a guy like Sabelo is not right. He's only going to mess her up to the extent that the next guy will have to pay for his mistakes.

"Why does it feel like I failed her? Why don't I feel any better about making the choice for her?"

I ask the voice that applauded me for what I did. I'm awake, I can't see her but I can feel her, I've completely zoned out.

"Gugu you did what you had to. You could have died today but you didn't and do you know why? Sebe"

She says, I'm confused. Lost

"Huh? What did she do?"

I ask with my eyes popping out of their socket. What did Sebe do?

"You broke a couple of ribs Gugu, you have a minor head injury. Your organs are all fine as they should"

She explains but I'm still blank

"Sebe is more powerful than you or she knows but you both need each other here. With time both of you will understand what your purpose is. You will understand why things had to be this way"

She says and then I feel this cold breeze that knocks me out instantly.

I'm woken up the next day by my mother. I feel better than I should, I am able to sit up on my own. If I didn't know better I'd say Sebe's touch on my hand last night did the trick but I know better. It's not possible. Maybe uncle prayed an amenless prayer.

"You look better"

Mom says

"I feel better too"

She smiles

"And how are you with everything?"

She asks

"I think I'm ready to go back to Mthatha"

I say


Sakhile says walking in startling us

"You leaving?"

He says, he can't even hide the hurt in his voice

"Its for the best mntase"

I warn, he shakes his head

"Makazi please tell him his making a mistake here"

Mom shrugs

"Its not up to me Sakhile, its up to him and if it's what he wants then I can't force him to stay here"

Sakhile is a free spirit but he's scared of my parents, he behaves when they in town so what mom says goes.

"Ok Makazi"

He says

"Can you at least stay for new year? We had plans"

He pleads looking at me. I know his plans and I don't know how I feel about them

"We might as well all leave on the 2nd"

Mom says and Sakhile lights up

"Thanks Makazi"

My doctor walks in and asks me how I am, she tells me she'll run an xray on me later then she leaves us. I really feel fine, better than I should even.

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