Chapter 32

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I look around. I'm in a dark space... Not this again! I think to myself annoyed.

"What do you want from me? Andithi I was with Sebe? And I'm constantly checking up on her"

I say pissed. I hate these dreams or whatever. She chuckles

"You with her but you not really with her"

I'm confused by this statement

"What do you mean? I always answer when Sebe needs me mos"

She sighs and I feel her walk over to me

"Its more than just being there for her Gugu"

She touches my shoulder and I get a clear view of her. Its not dark anymore, I recognize her from Sebe's home

"You are Sebe's grandmother"

I point out unable to hide my shock

"Indeed I am Gugu. My daughter needs you"

I chuckle in disbelief

"Your daughter never listens to me. Besides, I'm with someone and she has an amazing heart for me to just drop her like that"

I say thinking about Mbali. I should have ended things with her the other day but I can't. I think I've caught feelings for her but I'm too pussy to admit it to her or myself. I enjoy her company, the sex, but mostly just being with her. I sigh and she touches me bringing me back

"You're in love with her"

Its more of a statement than it is a question. I don't know what to say. I shrug

"Oh son, you can't be with her. Your fate lies with the Sebe"

I shake my head

"Sebe doesn't want me, she only needs me for certain things that she feels only I can give while Mbali..."

She cuts me off

"While Mbali is just a friend you have sex with. Gugulezwe you don't want to upset the ancestors let alone God."

I chuckle in disbelief

"So it doesn't matter what I want? I should be with Sebe because she's apparently my soulmate?"

She nods as I spit out pissed. I do not need this

"And what happens if I don't listen?"

I ask rolling my eyes

"You only putting Mbali's life in danger"

I chuckle

"Sebe didn't listen but nothing happened to Sabelo. Why does my life have to be on hold for her?"

She sighs

"Sabelo will get what's coming to him. You need to focus on Sebe, she needs you"

I look at her

"I'm sorry but I can't. I cannot be with her out of obligation. It will never work! Push back your plans or whatever cause I'm not ending things with Mbali!"

I say angrily. My life cannot be controlled by forces I don't believe in. I feel this cold breeze and then my phone rings from afar waking me up. I glance at the screen and its mom, I press decline. I feel like I already know what she wants to talk to me about and it ain't goin happen. The last 2 days have been hell, hectic even but Mbali's been great at distracting me. I told her about what happened to Sebe and told her about the dreams too and she tried to convince me that she was okay with me choosing Sebe but I flat out refused. Mbali means a great deal to me, its more than just sex. I'm drawn to her in a way even I cannot explain. Its like something is pulling me to her and I don't know what. Mom is persistent so I end up answering

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