Chapter Two

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My trip back home was, to say the least, awful. Okay so I'm probably not such a sociable person, I like my peace and quiet and I get ratty when I'm forced with unexpected company. But being crammed in a tube for almost an hour STANDING, is not my idea of fun.

You know the worst of it? Rude people, rude people are the majority of tube passengers. Cause they're all cranky old twats four hours late to work or nine hours early.

This really sweet looking old lady with an umbrella was standing to the side of me and when the tube reached the destination it jolted so I fell into her.

Like she wasn't hurt, she didn't even hit a wall or anything she just got nudged.

I on the other hand got butt fucked by her umbrella, and she natters away at me for being "disrespectful to the elderly!"

Which prompted me to do the most impolite thing I could think of, you know, to prove her wrong. I stuck my tongue out at her, yeah I know I'm so gangster. Stupid old bat, if she doesn't want people to disrespect her maybe she should go fuck off and take her r*pe stick with her. Grrr.

This was why I hated pack meetings and gatherings etc. See my house is much closer to school, so I can just take the bus home. But the pack house is miles away, I mean they really need a better location it's not even like we're short for money to do so.

I thought about Castus. Taking a ride home in his fancy mobile. Bitch. All that special treatment will make him one of those fat bats with thirty thousand cats some day. I await it gladly.

I felt the tube come to a halt once again as we stopped outside Alewood Station, and shuddered as the doors let all the frosty air inside. I felt someone shove me from behind and assumed it was someone trying to get through, so I moved forwards and to the side. When I turned around however I noticed it was a boy, around my age, wearing my school uniform, and the ugliest jerk-face expression one could muster.

I groaned before he shoved me out. Then something hit me. It was an empty can of coke. And the doors closed. I sighed.

I decided to walk the rest of the way back, seeing as there where only two more stops. I was glad to escape the brutal confines of the pringle box. I was beginning to think the smell of urine and cigarettes where going to scar me.

I mean ask any city wolf, we get sick of transport too.

My breath came out in white puffy clouds as I walked and I admired it, pretending to smoke every time a car passed by. Winter was a wonderful thing. The trees, like the sky and the grass and the houses and in fact every being, animal and inanimate object looked painfully downcast and grey and it left me feeling somewhat depressed.

I turned a corner, noticing that I was no longer anywhere near Hagenberg Lane and was most likely lost. I ignored this however, like most great men of our time, and assumed if I continued walking straight it would have to take me somewhere. Which it would. Only not the place I wanted.

The sky began to darken. It was getting late. I sighed, another wrong turn. I was now facing a couple with their kid in the park beside Haveden's park.

I should totally ask for directions.

Yeah, I thought as I passed them by. I should.

So I was almost twenty minutes late. I growled loudly, glaring at the misty sky. I was going to be in so much trouble.

As much trouble as I would be in for being an hour late. I thought.

Oh heck yeah. I whizzed past the little family, who where now attempting to teach their little girl how to use the swings. And smiled a toothy smile as I caught a quick glimpse of their shock.

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