Chapter Fourteen

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[A/N] I know, this is short, it was 2AM so I'm way way way tired. I'll write something longer next time, till then!

"Wow, breakfast in bed, I feel so flattered." The sarcasm was so strong in my voice it could have dripped off my chin.

"Just eat the fucking food." Castus sighed.

He moved the tray towards my bed. It was a silver tray outlined with a black rim, it had four trays on it and each one smelled like heaven and looked the part too. I saw crispy bacon piled on one plate and scrambled eggs on the other, there were soft boiled eggs too, hot baked beans with some sort of spices added to them and there was soup in a little palate pot on the end; it smelled of herbs and seasonings and yet it looked thick and filling, I wanted to marry it.

I eyed the bread rolls, they looked so fresh they were almost gooey, I could just taste them in my mouth, little sprinkles of sesame seeds on top. Oh God, I needed to have those in my mouth, right this second.

There was a large bulb shaped jug of orange juice on the second layer, beside it a glass, a bowl of ice cubes with a clapper and a teapot with the mild scent of flowers I could not recognize.

Castus apparently knew that the fastest way to a mans heart was through his stomach. Too bad that I knew that the fastest way to a mans heart was realistically; with a sharp claw, just below the collar bone and straight down.

"So what do I do now? Wait for you to feed me?" When he moved towards me I bared my teeth. "Am I a fucking princess?" I snapped at him.

Castus growled, and the sound was low and gravelly and I recognized it straight away as the warning that it was.

"I'll release you if you promise not to run away. I mean it Sven. Only if you promise." His voice was stern.

I growled. "I can't promise that," I said through gritted teeth, because I couldn't. I had to observe the rules and if I promised to the alpha that I would never leave him I would have to keep my word and remain here forever. I couldn't do that. Promising to an alpha was a big deal. If I found the opportunity to escape I would take it and then legally I could be whipped for the transgression.

"Well then it looks like I'll be your prince, fucking deal with it."

But I didn't want him to feed me, I wanted to help myself and I was so damn hungry, all that food just sitting there in front of me, waiting to be in my mouth. I wanted to reach over and steal it all but the more I tried to do this the louder the chains clanged.

I tugged on the chains. The more I tugged the more I realized how trapped I really was. I hated this, not being able to move like this. I really couldn't stand it. Before I could stop myself a small sob fell from my mouth as I desperately yanked at the chains. I hated the loud noise they made when I tried to move.

Castus looked pained.

"Promise me you won't leave," he ordered.

I shook my head. "I can't do that." I said.

He leaped forward faster than I thought possible and took my chin between his forefinger and his thumb, his voice went low and deep, filled with gravel and authority. "Promise me." He growled, and just that had me trembling. "Right this fucking minute."

The display of dominance send a shock of pleasure straight to my groin, I couldn't help it, I was the submissive part by nature and such bold display of possessiveness shook my right to my core.

His eyes went soft and dark. "Oh," he breathed, "I can feel you trembling."

My breath caught as I looked up at him, suddenly wishing his muscular hand would just make a straight path right down between my legs.

"I'm not doing it."

"I know that. It's your nature." His voice was so close to my ear and the sensation made me tremble once more. "Promise me right the fuck now or I'm getting out the paddle." He growled.

I still didn't want to promise him anything but my dick apparently had other ideas. It was now standing at full attention. Somewhere in my fucked up little mind the idea of him paddling me was getting me off to another planet. Desperate not to think about that I blindly shouted, "fine!" and saw his shoulders ease a little at the sides.

"Say it." He demanded.

I took a breath. "I promise I won-"

"Properly, you know the lines."

My eyes narrowed but I did as I was asked. "I hereby promise to alpha Castus, not to leave his home unless given permission..." I took a small shuddering breath, he was still way too close to me and it was muddling me all up. "Permission by the alpha or-"

"No one else." He interupted.

I stared at him. "No one else, just me, only I give you permission to leave."

I hissed a little under my breath but continued. "Unless given permission by my alpha- your- the alpha." Inside my mind I was hitting myself over the head with a chair for calling him 'my' alpha. What the fuck was wrong with me? Had I learned nothing in those two years? It seemed as though if I took one step back into my old life and I would forget all about the two years I had been gone.

I sighed. "Are you happy now?"

"Look at me," he demanded.

I turned my head up to look and him and my breath caught in my throat. I couldn't describe the look in his eyes, like melted chocolate, his expression one giant lazy smile. The man was happy, I shouldn't care but I did, I knew I did, I was his mate and there was no way out of that.

He was an alpha, yes, but I really only saw him as that boy who had bullied me for nearly two years when I was in his high school so long ago. I knew he was not the same man but it had been hard to see him as anyone different. Until now. His emotions leaked like perfume into the room, slow joy resting on my heart and trying to penetrate it. The overflow of emotion was a strictly alpha thing.

I was so taken by the emotion flowing through the room that even as he leaned in and began to nibble his way up my neck I made no motion to stop him. I mean, I couldn't have stopped him, but i could have damn well tried. I knew his hands were busy with unlocking the chains but I couldn't focus properly on anything. Especially anything other than Castus, he had my full attention, or most of it.

"That answer enough?" He asked as he pulled back, nipping once more for good measure and keeping his face just inches away from mine. I tried not to do something stupid like purr as his warm breath fanned my face. He was making me shiver on purpose.

I glared at him, refusing to acknowledge my painful descent into submission.

In the end I would not be tamed and I was about to show him that.

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