Chapter Thirty Two

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[A/N] I was ill, my god was I ill, my bones ached so bad I couldn't actually type, not even kidding. I ate nothing but chips for about four days because I couldn't bring myself to leave the bed. You have no idea how good it felt to have a bath after that, I had about a weeks worth of sweat in those clothes.

Anyway, warning the proceeding chapter may irritate and annoy you, enjoy.

When the door was flung open I woke up but, groggy as I was, I couldn't properly comprehend that it was Castus's mother in the doorway glaring me to a fate worse than Arachne. But even with her dark piercing eyes scissoring through the soft slothful atmosphere Zack and I had created I just couldn't get myself to wake up properly.

Zack remained asleep as she approached, I glanced in his direction, expecting him to wake up and run for his life.

"So my sons mate is also a slut," She said the word "mate" with such contempt I could see it fly across the room in the form of spit.

"I'm not a slut," I bit out.

"And yet you lie in bed with someone other than your mate," She had this fucking grin on her face...

"We weren't doing anything." If I'm being honest that sounded a little too guilty for my liking.

"You are in the bed of a man other than your alpha," She said again, her voice high as though she were explaining it to someone a little slow in the head.

I growled, "I said we weren't doing anything."

"I hope Castus finally sees that he's missing nothing without you when he hears this."

I felt my body tense at that, because she was his mother and I was worried she knew how he would react.

He'd been so angry when he found out Zack and I had kissed (albeit accidentally, or, well sort of) but he never hated me, he was just angry with me, punished me, what I'd done this time was a much smaller trespass. However... well... fool me once shame on you fool me twice?

"I've said before that you deserve being locked up, I'll say it again."

"Say it again then I don't fucking care you bitch," I'll admit that wasn't the smartest fucking comeback but it felt hella good.

"You," She stepped closer, "Deserve to be locked up," She hissed.

I tried to play it cool and I gave her a lazy smirk.

"No one but you deserves to be locked up... unless they have a face like yours. Because I'm pretty sure that's a crime somewhere."

Her eyes sharpened.

"You disgrace my son, you ripped apart my pack and destroyed our reputation, what you did to your parents is disgusting, you are cancer, you even don't deserve to talk to me."

"Fuck off then," I groused, I couldn't even muster the energy to come up with good insults anymore.

"You are the mate of an alpha, even if you say you are a boy you still have to observe the rules of courtesy. No one but a slut would sleep in the bed of a man other than her alpha."

My mouth opened and closed as it tried to fish out a deathly retort, one that would clench her fists and make that already angry complexion a nice beetroot red.

But the truth was she was getting to me, she was right.

It was a different thing to defy Castus when it came to stupid rules like talking to him but it was quite another thing when what I was doing could be perceived as being unfaithful. I hated feeling like I'd been caught in the act of stealing candy from a baby by that woman, the woman who in this analogy may as well be a serial baby murderer.

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