Chapter Twenty Three

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You know the worst thing was the fact that the bigger part of me was practically okay with just going along with my punishment.

I wanted to stop feeling so shit.

I hated the feeling of guilt sneaking up on me, pressuring me. It made it easier for me to see his side and I didn't ask to see it. I didn't need to understand him or sympathize with him.

However then logic would call me back from my safe hovel, it argued, Castus had done me wrong too and what had he got for it?

So because he's a dominant he gets to say sorry and move on and because I'm submissive I get punished? I mean, I'm not submissive but- it's not fair, fuck that.

"No." It was a firm no, a never going to submit no.

Castus got up, and this uneasy feeling in my stomach arose, akin to a parental fear. Like I had washed my teddy bear with conditioner and now I was going to get hell for it.

I backed up.

He moved forward, he walked slow as he watched me, his eyes never leaving me. It was clear as day that he had no doubt I could not get away, his confidence shone through his blistering glare.

I moved to the side, my elbow knocked on the nightstand to the left of the bed as I pulled myself off, I tried to be fast but I felt nervousness creeping up on me, making me clumsy.

"You do not want me to chase you Sven."

"You think I'm just going to bend over and take it because you're a fucking alpha? You're so wrong you were born in topsy turvy land. I may have... submissive vibes but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like a child- or your mate- because I'm not having shit to do with you. The moment you started yelling at me while I was sobbing on the floor, that was when I stopped having anything to do with your name! You can piss right off if you think I'm about to jump in your lap just because I'm in your little pack cove... or because we slept together. You don't get to kidnap me and then treat it like we're happily married!"

My rambling did not distract him, in fact all the while he was slowly moving forwards, as though I was chatting away to distract myself. I was slowly feeling more and more crowded, like a cornered cat.

All my sensors were going off. It was like the walls of the room were closing in on me. My mind was suddenly mapping out all the lines of escape I could attempt to run for but logic called me back to the surface and reprimanded me for even thinking that would be successful.

I wanted to make another run for it but if I ran now I'd only be on his lap that much quicker. Technically the only way out was past him, and it was unlikely I'd make it.

"Stop!" I yelled. "I'll escape! I'll go home!"

His eyes widened a little, then narrowed. "You might think you've got one foot in your old life but with me now, you're done for, you're mine and you're never going back to the hovel you lived in, this is your home now."

"You don't get to say what my home is!"

"I am your home." And I hated him for saying that because I knew it was the truth.

"Fuck you!"

He reached for me. "Stop!" I yelled louder.

He practically towered over me, times like these, when he exuded such raw energy, such power. Times like these when his eyes were dark with the pleasure of pursuit. That was when everything about him could be absolutely converted into something sexual.

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