Chapter Twenty One

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Zack was still talking as we played and he apparently never ran out of things to say. I couldn't say it was annoying because at least it took the attention off me. I could tell Adam was still fascinated on why on earth Castus hadn't marked me and I don't think I could stand any more questions.

"You touched that." Denis told Adam.

Adam gave him a look which Denis deserved, he'd been no where near the ball after all.

"New game?" Zack offered.

They both nodded and he took a black plastic triangle to center the pool balls. I couldn't really play since I'd never done it before. I knew how it worked because I'd been around others who'd played it but there was only that.

"Is it a secret?" Denis asked me.

I looked at him and cocked my head a little. "Is what?"

"I just really want to know."

"What?" I gave him an exasperated look.

He grinned a little. "Why didn't he mark you?"

I just shrugged and looked away.

"Sven c'mon, please, he's been searching for you for what, a year and six months? And it was his first time sleeping with you right? It just defies logic. He needs to mark you. He needs to claim you there's no way he can sleep with you and not claim you. Is there something going on?"

When I looked up I noticed all eyes were on me and glared at Denis. I'd thought of him as the sensible one as he had been the one to deflect Adams questioning earlier. But apparently he wanted answers just as much as they did.

"Castus... I don't want him."

Everyone went silent and they gave each other looks. I could practically feel the tension in the room. And when Adam looked up at and away from the pool table I felt myself sinking into the floor.

"You don't want Castus?"

"I don't want him." I said as I grit my teeth.

"You need him."

"Maybe, but I don't want him."

"And you're trying to tell me since his submissive lunus decided he doesn't want his alpha he would not mark you?"


"Bullshit." Denis said before Adam could say anything. "Castus takes what he wants, it pissed me off a lot at first, he practically demanded us to join him, expected us to revere him, but eventually you grow to respect that. Castus is as dominant as they come, there's no way he's giving in to what you want simply because you want it... no offence."

"I'm not submissive." I argued.

"I've never seen such a large pile of bullshit and it keeps growing."

Adam cut in. "You are Sven, maybe it's not obvious to you but it is to us."

I glared at them. "Hows that! I can fight! I'm fast and I'm good at hunting. I won't hesitate to rip someones neck out if I have to."

"Brutality has nothing to do with submission, you're used to following orders-"

"Fucking rubbish, I never let him tell me what to do, not him not anyone. Don't act like you know me all of a sudden." I spat every word out with a vehemence I didn't really feel. If I'm being honest Castus was the only one who's orders I thought to deny. When it came to teachers it was natural in me to just comply with whatever they requested.

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