Chapter Twenty Six

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All warm, all cosy, dry leaves at my side as the sun glares down on us and the forest is a pallet of bold colour. I am hot but the warm fur under my chin feels good, feels safe by his side, nothing can hurt me out here, why do I worry so? There is no blood on my paws, no ache in my teeth, no itch in my fur. I am safe with him, he guards me, guides me, loves me.

My eyes inched open as the morning sun glared through the white cross stitch patterned curtains, the room was a paragon of heaven with light bounding off the walls and the odd occasional shadow casting patterns along the floor.

I closed my eyes willing for sleep to claim me once again because I was desperate to meet that same glorious slumber I had been encased in.

The covers were warm but the air sightly chilly which only furthered my resolve to never leave the bed, ever.

I didn't want to move an inch, my body was being efficiently heated by the warm muscular lump of soft appealing flesh I was curled around, my leg was tangled in his and my arm was being crushed to fine powder under the weight of Castus.

Even better my cock which was mostly motivated by the morning rush of blood was at half mast comfortably nestled between his cheeks and by cheeks I'm hoping you know what set I'm talking about.

The silent burn on my cheeks was still awake and it could occasionally almost be mistaken as a stimulant of sorts because it certainly wasn't making my cock any softer.

I was softly rocking back and forth trying to get some friction when I finally came to my senses and that only happened because Castus woke up and yelped like a rat had bitten his toe and flew off the bed so fast he ended up flumping with a hilarious flailing of arms onto the carpet.

Obviously, and despite the situation, I couldn't help laughing and once I had started I couldn't stop. Nice way to wake up.

"Shut it," He growled, his face was red.

I was immediately silenced but couldn't help the snickering that followed.

"W-why were you doing that! What where you-" He stuttered as he sat back on the bed.

"I'm a man too."

"Fuck, you can be a fucking man without having your cock in my-" He inhaled sharply.

Oh hello, now that's interesting.

I started chuckling again.

"Goddammit Sven I'm so close to taking you over my knee!"

Not even that threat could dissuade my giggles, in fact it did the opposite. I was laughing so hard spit was flying.

"SVEN." He said it loudly, he didn't shout, but the caps represents the force behind the words.

It's like for that split second that follows my name was spinning around my head and it was all I could hear.

Not like being hypnotised I don't think, more like it was loud but in a different way to volume, it drowned everything else out.

Needless to say I shut up.

"Why are you laughing like Santa got stuck in the Christmas tree?!"

I just bit my tongue, still on the verge of hysterical maniacal laughter.

"Talk," He ordered and an order spoken like that in my drowsy state was hard to ignore.

"Your cock is hard," I spat straight out, because he compelled me to, embarrassed at my own blunt reply.

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