Chapter Five

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I sprayed a shit ton of the Lateo Spray on me, then threw it over to Freida and she followed suit. This would conceal our scents as we went about our business.

Freida couldn't take the pills but I did, on top of the spray, she was going to be staying however and therefore needed to have her scent back soon after they found out or it would be stark obvious who helped me.

This plan seemed almost flawless to me. After all, a wolf with no scent is almost invisible.

I smirked.

This was going to be oh so fun.

I looked over at Frieda, even sweet little Frieda couldn't help but release a small evil smile of her own.

"Okay, I take the rooms on this side, you take the rooms on the left!"

She nodded, lifting her bin bag in agreement.

We split up.

I looked around the room, it was well lived in, gadgets all around the walls and photos scattered about the place in small wooden frames. The bed was surrounded by half torn of stickers from the caveman age and the mattress was curved in the shape of its owner.

I glanced at the Harry Potter stickers scattered about an ancient lamp and smiled to myself. They had come from the only party I had been invited to by one of the boys at the pack. And it was quite fun, awkward but fun.

Of course I was forced to sit at the girls table but I was six at the time and never even understood that it was odd of them to do so. I mean I got bullied for it but they could bully you for the wrong color shoelaces if they want to bully you.

Bullies will always find fault in you if they feel like bullying you, you could be god and it wouldn't mean shit to them.

Our pack made us live in the pack house the majority of the time, some people lived there permanently, and some just used it to store their items. If anyone entered their room and took or even touched any of their stuff their scent would most likely stick so no one did.

Besides, they'd get punished for it and punishments as a werewolf are generally quite violent, since we heal fast.

I scratched my arm nervously, god I can't believe I'm about to do this, and damn the spray is really fucking with my skin. If it gives me a rash I'm blaming Obama.

I looked at the first room and sniffed.

"Callum." I grinned. The giant asshole. I was going to enjoy messing up this motherfuckers room.


I was at the last room when I heard Freida running up behind me and tapping my back nervously.

"What is it?" I whispered.

She kept her voice low. "It's getting late, do you want to rob the alphas office?"

I nodded. Smiling. "You go do that, I'm going to sneak out the back and put this is in the van."

She grinned, I swear she was glowing.

She handed me the pills and the car keys before she left and I wished her good luck.

The pills rattled against the keys in my pocket as I tugged both bin bags from upstairs down to the back exit. I silently thanked the world for making the house so big. I used to hate the size of it. It was so unhomey, but now that it served my revenge so nicely, well, now it could be my friend.

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