~All about you~ (JaeSahi)

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Pairing- Yoon Jaehyuk and Hamada Asahi
Type- Fluff

Asahi's POV-

On the cold November night, I was heading home. Not the home that I grew up in, not the home that welcomed me long ago; but the home that makes me feel the most comfortable, the safest, the home that embraces me in a warm hug. I was looking outside through the taxi window that had droplets of water on it due to the drizzling rain pouring outside, my earbuds inside my ears, listening to random music in the cold atmosphere inside the taxi. My mouth formed a smile as I remembered why I decided to leave Japan two days prior to what I had planned- because, I was missing him like crazy.

You've got eyes that can see right through me
You're not afraid of anything they've seen

I felt nostalgic and blessed at the same time as those lyrics came in and reminded me of my shelter in my despair. My serenity amongst the chaos that I had been through in my early days in Korea, my muse who helped me accept my flaws used to hold my hands and assure me, "Baby, you're doing great! Don't cry over the mistakes you made in the past, because those lost their impact long ago by teaching you how not to repeat themselves, and you never did, did you?"

I used to say, "But I'm not worth all the love you give me."

He used to smile at me, "You're worth more than you can ever imagine, Sahi, you're beautiful inside out."

And I used to forget the thousand regrets I had, because my virtue brought me Jaehyuk.

Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall.

Such a nice song! I've heard it over thousands of times, but each time, the soft boy comes in my mind. I knew how Jaehyuk courted me for months. But I was too afraid to let him love me. I feared my demons, I feared my lack of eligibility, I feared myself the most as I didn't want his pure soul to be stained by involving with mine. But I knew, if I'm gonna be saved, only Jaehyuk could save me.

"Why do I have such a dark past? Why did I commit all those sins?" I asked him one day, out of desperation.
"People go through rough days, Sahi. What matters is how you're trying to change. And I'm by your side, don't hurt yourself anymore, baby. Let me take away all your pain." Jaehyuk told me. And his words made my erupting desire to cause harm to myself die down.

'I can never hurt you, Jae!'

This thought helped me keep myself together.

Do you ever think when you're all alone?
All that we could be, where this thing could go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

The music was playing in shuffle and this song reminded me of those days when I used to stare at Jaehyuk before we got to talk face to face one day. He was handsome, kind and polite. I liked observing him. Well, I like to observe everyone, but about him, I paid extra attention. Starting from the way he smiled to the way he frowned, I took note to everything. And I wondered, 'do I like him? Is it real or just another puppy love?' Then one day our paths crossed and we talked and.. I knew it was real. Yes, I fell in love with the 'perfect' boy.

The taxi took turns and moved at a moderate speed considering the slippery road due to the pouring rain outside. I put my hand under my chin once, then brought my index finger near my mouth to bite the nail, focusing on the songs that were randomly played one after another. Some made me smile, reminding me of happy days, some made me sigh, reminding me of the struggles I had, but every single one of them had one face visualized in front of my eyes- my lover. Every song, all the lyrics, everything was about him and him only.

So if you want to love me
Then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

We both knew hearts can change, but we took the risk. We decided to embrace each other's flaws. He didn't let me walk in the cold November rain, instead, he wrapped me in a cozy warm blanket as he back hugged me. The warmth I felt could melt any cold night, as it indeed let me go of my cold demeanour.

"It took long enough for you to finally be mine, eh?" Jaehyuk asked me one night.

"Yes, I don't regret it though. The time I took made me realize just how important you are to me." I replied. Jae smiled and ruffled my hair.

"It used to be me who's good with words. How come you beat me at my own game?" He fake gasped.

I just smiled. How was I able to explain that what I said wasn't even close to enough to explain what I actually felt for him?

'I swear, one day my love for you would end me.' I thought as the taxi neared our home.

I left the taxi with a lot of anticipation. I didn't let Jaehyuk know that I would come two days beforehand. I went to Japan for family purpose. I worked hard to finish the work early and thus, left Japan ahead of the promised date. I did it to surprise him, because he said he had missed me.

I unlocked the door with the keys I had. We started living together after we finished college. Jaehyuk and I had different jobs. We barely had time to be with one another due to our respective jobs. But our bond never weakened.
No sound was heard from the inside. He didn't notice the door opening.
"Is he not home?" I though. The living room had no one. So I took a turn left to go to our shared bedroom.

As expected, Jaehyuk had his back turned towards the door and earphone plugged in his ears as he was working on his laptop.

'No wonder he didn't hear the door click.' I thought. I tiptoed even though I knew he wouldn't hear me as I went near him.

"Even the back of his head looks so fucking fine." I wondered.
I went close enough to tap his shoulders from behind, but I wanted to scare him, so I pulled out the earbud from his right ear-

"Holy shit!" he shouted as he turned towards his right in an electrifying pace. I couldn't contain my laughter anymore.

"Asahi!!??" he shouted once again. I was still laughing as I had one hand over my tummy.

"You looked so.." I spoke in between my streak of laughter, "so scared and funny!"

He pouted, "Well, I was home alone and you suddenly pulled it out..." then he looked at me again and took me in a sudden hug, "And obviously you're two days early but you're back now!"

He let go soon before pulling my cheek and kissing it afterwards, "Why didn't you tell me you'd come early?"

"I wanted to surprise you, that's why!" I replied, "also, I enjoyed a scared out of wits Jaehyuk!" I laughed again.

"You like to laugh a lot, eh?" Jaehyuk caught my arms in his palm, "Imma make you laugh even more!" he started to tickle me which took me off guard as I was throwing my legs in the air muttering 'stop it, Jae!' every now and then.

He stopped soon after but hugged me tight as he sniffed my neck, "I missed you a lot! And thank you for coming back early!"

I put my hand on his soft locks, patting his head soon after, "I missed you too. And I'm glad to be back to you as soon as I could."

Then he pecked my lips and kept me in his bear hug for as long as he could.

The homely scent of Jaehyuk, the warm embrace of him and the melodious sound of his steady breathing made me aware of the fact that my universe revolved around him. I can no longer describe myself or my whatnots without mentioning him. Jaehyuk has become one with me and everything about me relates to all about him.

'It's all about you, Jae! It's always you.'


This was really just a glimpse..

I'm really sorry if it's not upto the mark, I'll write a better one with an actual plot in future!

Everyone, you're all worthy and I love you all <3

Stay healthy and happy yeorobun😇

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