~Melancholy~ (pt. 3)

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^^It's illegal to be this pretty

(A/N- Last part🥺)

When the whole universe stopped around him because his eyes couldn't believe the sight before them, Jihoon could only hope for it to be more than a dream, a mere imagination. His eyelids trembled with numerous words unsaid. The abundance of them came out as gloss in his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw. Was it because the world is round or because he was looking for it- that he met his ex lover all these years later?

In another city, another timeline, a different situation where Junkyu was the owner of a book shop and Jihoon was a random customer- Jihoon met Junkyu. He met the love he cherished for his whole life after around 3 years of losing him.

Junkyu's face had the same distinct features, the glassy, shining eyes, round, chubby cheeks that once glowed. Maybe the age of time, or the shits he had to go through cost him his glow of youth. He had traces of unshaved sticky beard on his face. He looked beautiful though. His lips still as pretty, hands as soft as they used to be. Was his heart as pure as before? Or did it get stained with the black of his own sin, and the turmoil Jihoon gave him?

"Is there anything I can help you with, sir?" Junkyu spoke. Jihoon's heart twisted in an undescribable pain as he heard the soft voice of his once lover. He missed hearing that voice, since Junkyu cut him off in every way after that night.

To Jihoon, that night was a blur. The monster of jealousy that ate his insides inch by inch made him blind. He sought to take revenge, to make Junkyu feel what he felt. He regretted his action when it's too late. He looked for Junkyu but he was nowhere. Junkyu's contacts were off, every way Jihoon knew him, Junkyu put a wall in between. Jihoon even went to his parents' house, only to return with harsh words and a request not to bother Junkyu ever again.

According to them, he had destroyed Junkyu.

So, Jihoon stayed away. Luck played in his favour. He was posted to another city, away from the memories of Junkyu. He had lived, thinking he had forgotten Junkyu.

Did he really?

"Junkyu..." Jihoon muttered. His lips curved downwards. He had so much to say. But... He was in no position or metal state to say those.

So, he did what he could. He took a U turn and rushed out of the store. It hurt so much, facing Junkyu again. The memories, mistakes, guilt, anger everything fell on him all over again. He couldn't take it. What hurt him more was how Junkyu looked so bland, so emotionless!

If he only knew! Junkyu was going through the worst. It took him lots of time, courage and mental support to get on his feet. To stay away from Jihoon, grieve uncontrollably, yet live a normal life. He had started a small business as a book shop owner with his parents' investment. Finally doing something other than crying in the bath tub. He wasn't okay, but he was alive.

Meeting Jihoon tugged at his will to live. It crumbled. Oh how much he loved that face, those eyes, lips, arms. He forgot how it felt like to be wrapped around comfort as Jihoon used to hug him to sleep. He didn't wanna admit it, but he never moved on. He couldn't. Because of the constant reminder that he had been the one to destroy what they had.

He cheated. That's one big truth.

Junkyu couldn't carry on for the day. He closed the shop early to go home. To his little, shaded apartment where he lived alone.

The next morning, Junkyu opened the store early. He had to compensate for the time he skipped the previous day. He was torn, but the world wouldn't wait for him. He had to go on.

Busy working, he almost forgot his meeting with Jihoon. Around noon though, Jihoon showed up again.

In glasses, looking devastated. Junkyu clenched his jaw tight.

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