~The Gap Between Us~ (HwanKyu)

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Pairing- Kim Junkyu and So Junghwan.
Type- Fluff

“Our Junghwanie can even fit a desert in his mouth!” Jihoon exclaimed.

As soon as Junghwan heard the sentence coming out of his cousin’s mouth, he laughed it off. He knew his cousin was just teasing him and honestly, he didn’t mind.

“And it won’t even take minutes before the desert is gone!”

Jihoon continued. Junghwan just finished eating fruits after dinner, watching which his cousin made all the remarks. Junghwan shook his head. Park Jihoon could sometimes get on your nerves.

“Yah! Don’t tease our Hwanie like that!” Jihoon’s best friend, Junkyu protested the playful remarks of Jihoon which might be excess at times, “Because he eats well, he is growing so well!” Junkyu patted Junghwan on the shoulder, “Don’t stop him from eating just because you are jealous that Hwanie is taller than you!”

Junghwan flashed a huge smile at Junkyu. True, he didn’t take Jihoon’s words by heart. But watching a look of dramatic defeat on Jihoon’s face made Junghwan feel a savage satisfaction and he had to thank his Junkyu hyung for that.

“High five, hyung!” Junghwan happily proposed and Junkyu did as told. Both were glad to be able to corner the sassy Park Jihoon.

Jihoon was an only son of his parents but all of his relatives lived nearby. So, he always hung out with his cousins and never felt the need of an actual brother because of that. He was specially close with two of his cousins, Jaehyuk and Junghwan as both used to visit his house pretty often. He had another frequent visitor- Kim Junkyu, who was his best friend. Because all of them often met each other, they had quite a strong bond among them.

And Junghwan, being the youngest was always pampered by everyone; mostly by Junkyu because Junkyu was just too good with him. And the fact that the elder understood him the most made Junghwan lean even more towards him.

Maybe a bit more than needed because he often dreamed about having Junkyu all for himself.

“Kyu! Did I tell you about the upcoming family picnic of us?” Jihoon suddenly spoke, breaking Junghwan’s train of thoughts. All three of them were occupying the living room of Jihoon's house, Jihoon and Junkyu on two different sofas, Jihoon sitting and Junkyu lying while Junghwan was sitting on the floor, in front of Junkyu.

“No, you didn’t. When and where are you going though?” Junkyu asked.

“This weekend. All of us are going, even Hwanie and Jaehyuk's family as well. We're going for hiking actually.” Jihoon said.

“Oh, that’s great.” Junkyu said, quite uninterested. Jihoon chuckled.

“Will you join us?” Jihoon asked. He noticed how Junghwan became attentive as soon as he asked that to Junkyu.

“Eh? Isn’t it a family picnic?” Junkyu asked, this time turning sideways and looking at Jihoon.

“Yeah... but our friends are allowed as well!” Jihoon explained.

“Then you should have said that earlier!” Junkyu went to his previous position, “I don’t know if I can though, I have to check if I have plans or not.”

“Mmm... okay. But you’ll have fun if you go with us, right, Hwanie?” Jihoon said to Junkyu but winked at Junghwan. The younger took the cue.

“Hyung please?” Junghwan whined, “It would be really boring without you, let’s go with us!”

Junkyu sighed, “Alright, if Hwanie says so!” he grinned. Jihoon rolled his eyes at his best friend’s favouritism, but he smirked as he saw stars playing in his cousin’s eyes. Junghwan indeed liked all of the attention he got from Junkyu.

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