~In His Shadow~ (HaruKyu)

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Pairing- Watanabe Haruto and Kim Junkyu.

Plot- Haruto's roommate that he loves has eyes for someone else, not knowing about Haruto's feelings.

Hearing the bell, Haruto went to check the door. Their ordered lunch arrived. Both him and his roommate, Junkyu were too lazy to cook for themselves, settling with delivery therefore. Junkyu ordered fried chicken with garlic sauce, rice and mixed salad. Haruto went for plain bibimbap. The younger set the meals, plates and soda on the table and called his hyung.

Junkyu went to the living room shortly after. He was really hungry. He took a seat beside his roommate. They opened their respective boxes. Haruto started eating right away, Junkyu started with sprite. He settled with chicken afterwards. Then with the salad. Before he could take a bite from the salad, Haruto stopped him.

"There's beef in there." Junkyu noticed carefully. Yes, the mixed salad had small chopped pieces of beef. Junkyu was highly allergic to beef. It made his whole body itchy and red.

Haruto took the salad, carefully picked all the pieces there were. It took him a while, but he was meticulous. He didn't want his roommate to taste even a single piece.

"There you go. Now you can eat."

Junkyu smiled at the younger. Haruto always took the best care of him. "Aww thanks Ruto!" He cutely said, giving yet another skip to Haruto's heartbeat. The younger just smiled on his own. Taking care of Junkyu was his hobby after all.

Junkyu's phone buzzed. A text had arrived. He picked it up, unlocked it and immediately, his face shined.

"Sahi texted me!" He excitedly said. Haruto's smile from a while ago was lost. He peeked at the screen. Yes, Hamada Asahi, Junkyu's supposed crush actually texted him.

Junkyu left his food and sent a reply. Then another text arrived, followed by another reply. The elder got busy texting, his food was getting cold.

"Junkyu hyung, finish eating first. You can text him later." Insisted Haruto. But Junkyu was having so much fun talking to his crush. He didn't listen to the other even though Haruto repeated it a few times. In the end, finding no other way, Haruto fed Junkyu the food that was left. Junkyu ate like a kid, happily replying to the texts that arrived. His lips covered with garlic sauce and sesame seeds. Haruto wiped them with his fingertips and the side of his palm.

He finished feeding Junkyu, finished his own food afterwards. It tasted bad, as it was left cold. He took the dirty dishes to the sink and washed them. Junkyu wasn't in the living room when he got back. He saw the elder on his bed, taking a selfie to send that to Asahi.

Hiding the obvious pain in his heart, Haruto went to his bed. He wanted to sleep, so that he wouldn't have to watch Junkyu flirting with someone else right before his eyes.

"Ruto yah, are you asleep?" Junkyu asked after a while. Haruto opened his eyes. The elder finished texting his crush for the time being.

"You're done?"

"He said he has work." Junkyu said, he had a wide grin on his face. "Aaaa I'm so happy!"

Haruto was curious. Junkyu exclaimed, "Do you know what happened!?" As Haruto replied that he did not, Junkyu went to his bed, to show him the flirty texts sent from the other end. Junkyu looked so dreamy as he talked about the possibility of Asahi liking him back. Haruto kept a fake smile on, so that the heartache every letter he read gave him wouldn't be visible to Junkyu.

To his roommate he had been loving for years.


Haruto woke up with the loud sounds in his room. He checked the time before looking for the source of the sound. It was almost 7 am, which is very early for someone to wake up on the weekend. Scrunching his facial muscles due to the sudden fall of light on his eyes, he turned his head, to see what caused the random ticks and thuds in his room.

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